Out of all the asinine, self-important posts you've made over the years (none of which I have commented on by the way), this one takes the cake. What the hell IS your agenda?
Let me provide the readers of this forum an experience that I had with you. A few years ago, I was asked by Azbob my opinion and experience with Olympic and my reply was that it was about as top notch book as you'll find and that I highly recommend them. A few days later, I received an e-mail saying that he had checked them out, had decided to post up there, and would list me as a referal. I thought this was a nice gesture and responded that I was looking for another out and relayed a list of books that I didn't have accounts with and was prepared to return the favor. I assume he compared this to the books he had accounts with and recommended to me (you guessed it) ACES GOLD! Now, in and of itself, there wasn't anything wrong with this. Aces was solid as a rock. But, that's not the end of the story. As I was surfing around the web later that day, I stumpled upon a thread in another forum. Come to find out, this entire thread was about an ongoing dispute that Azbob was having with (you guessed it) ACES GOLD! The exact nature of the dispute escapes me, but the tread contained extremely hostile posts, emails, and dialogue from both Aces Gold, other posters, and Azbob himself. I was stunned. This jackass EARLIER THAT DAY recommended them to ME, without ANY mention of his feud with Aces. I'm sure Aces would be just extatic to see the name Azbob in the "referred by" box of my account application. Well, obviously, I never did post up with Aces (thank god) and emailed him on it. THEN, this guy has the GALL to email me back with a request that I send him a check for 1/2 of the referal bonus I received from Olympic from his deposit. We're talking about 50 bucks here folks. Needless to say, I nearly fell of my chair and responded with the old "the check's in the mail" routine. Apparantly, I wasn't a "friend" of good ol' Azbob.
Now, let's fast forward to the present. You have the f*cking AUDACITY to come in here and chastise Jack because he didn't warn people? Are you out of your friggen mind? Do you only have access to a terminal on Saturdays? My question is: WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR WARNING STATEMENT? In your first post in this thread you ask this forum and its readers " While other "watchdog" sites had information re: the status of Aces, I didn't see anything here. Why not?" Then, in the very next post you state, "I took care of my friends, you left your players hanging." Well, isn't that just dandy. Who, exactly, are your friends. I just looked up HYPOCRITE in the dictionary and there was a picture of your glowing mug right next to it.
Also, I would like to know your definition of a "watchdog site." In my opinion, a debate can be made that there really is no such things as a watchdog site. And if there is, this site certainly doesn't claim to be one. And as far as your claim that the pied piper led us rats down the sewer by requiring a post-up to enter a contest, let me offer this up. Requiring a minimal deposit is almost becoming a requirement for most book-sponsored contests nowadays. This was not some radical scheme conjured up to suck our loot away. These are all over the place. For the most part, books (in general) would like to do away with contests altogether. Why? Because books have come to identify "contest bangers" which can be characterized as folks who go around the web looking for a free lunch, bang every contest in sight, with no intention whatsoever of ever posting up with the sponsoring book. In my opinion, this is a shame, especially to those who actually intend to post up their own loot and MAY consider doing so in a book who sponsors a contest in which they enter. Let's face it, books sponsor contests as an advertising outlet. In fact, that's the actual definition of the word itself.
This site (and other sites like it) depend upon advertising to keep things running, and in this sense, is no different from thousands of other businesses. Were there warning signs that Aces was having trouble. Yes. But, up until yesterday, bookmakers and players were still behind them. I'll quote Hoops here, " the facts were...for over 6 years Aces/Sports Market was one of the most solid, respected offshore books in existence. Slow or no pay had NEVER been an issue. Square and wiseguys alike singed their praises...." To even SUGGEST that Jack and this site forsaw this and/or are responsible leaves me in an UPROAR and to allude that Jack misled this forum and sacrificed a pretty good chunk of his own dough for a few extra advertising dollars is equally rediculous, and quite frankly, bottomfeeder material........