Madjacks Could Be A Soap Opera

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Big Nasty D

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2002
First off, want to say thanks to many, many fine cappers on here I have lurked and followed over the past five years. Some may consider me a newbie cause I only have 50+ posts or don't like "lurkers" if that's what you'd like to refer to me as, but I have nothing but the upmost respect for all of you here and the information you provide. And kudos to MJ for running the most quality site on the net IMO.

I'm just throwing in my two cents here, and I know my opinion may be taken as only a grain of salt because no one really knows me, but with absolutely "NO DISRESPECT" to anyone here at all, what is up with all the junior high soap opera drama going on lately??? I've followed and seen alot of cappers come and go here over five years, but never seen this much drama at all:shrug:

Seems like every week someone new is leaving because of something someone else said in their thread, or a comment they took wrong, or a newbie pissing them off, etc., etc. Where did all this come from. And it's like everyone is split down the middle like republicans and democrats backing one or the other up just for the sake of doing it. This site is supposed to be about sharing info, helping people out, and ultimately winning. No one here is expected to do what they do or put the time and effort in that some do, but they do it anyways and it is appreciated hugely by the vast majorty. People tend to forget that you cannot translate emotion, sarcasm, or meaning very well through posted words and comments....pretty much why text messaging drives me up a wall. But, that is neither here nor there, it's the level of severity people are taking certain posts and comments around here anymore like life threatening insults. And then the cries that they're going to leave almost like they want everyone to beg them not to go, like they get satisfaction out of it or something. Seen it atleast 6 times this past 12 months from 6 different people. Half the forum says c-ya, best of luck, and thanks, while a cluster of newbies beg and plead for them to stay and in turn pester the other members blaming them for that person wanting to leave like their life is going to end if they go.

It's like this past year this board has become split and even though I don't consider myself a newbie, I would be considered a "newbie poster" if I started posting. Seems alot of the regulars don't pay the time of day to newbies, don't answer their questions, and pretty much ignore them unless they are kissing their ass or if they are bashing them in their threads. Then they "newbie" guys who mean well and post or post questions get the short end of the stick cause they only get replies from other newbies. sounds confusing but alot of that going on the past year or so and part of a reason I've always hesitated to post and I'm sure a big reason many people have hesitated to post cause it gets them nowhere. Seems like everyone just stays in their clicks like high school or something anymore. That's fine and dandy if some guys don't want bothered on here or want their threads "clustered" with newbies or even regulars they don't like, but why the heck you postin' then? And if it bothers ya is it that hard to just ignore it?

Everyone is so uptight lately and take it as you may from myself, but I know just about everyone else sees it and is probably wondering wtf is going on too. You've always seen this stuff go on on other sites and never happened here, but lately it has slowly and surely been heading that way and it's a shame because the experience and quality of cappers on this site is second to none. This place is for information and discussion and is the best at that, but lately the bashing and arguing simply over shadows most of it. I think you can find more drama here lately on a Saturday night than you would at a movie theater or local mall flooded with junior high kids.

Like I said, I know and not surprised my opinion doesn't matter much, and yeah I'll probably get bashed for posting this. So be it I guess. Just wanted to add my two cents because I value this board tremendously and thank all of you to the highest for your time and effort and wish half the time I could help some of you out and contribute as much as you have for me and many others around here. There are many class acts on here and it is a class act site.

Once again, thank you.

"He who slings mud loses ground"


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
The place is full of crybabies
the latest thing that was taken away was the reputation comments because BleedDodgerBlue went crying to Madjack that people were giving him negative reputation comments
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Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
good post but if you've been here for that long you know we go through this phase a few times a year. i might have to tighten the reigns a little is all.

thanks for sharing your comments.

Franky Wright

Registered User
Forum Member
May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
good post but if you've been here for that long you know we go through this phase a few times a year. i might have to tighten the reigns a little is all. thanks for sharing your comments.

Interestingly enough, it seems to come just before playoff times, BCS, March Madness, etc......
Think there are alot of frustrated fans out there with pent up frustration who need to visit the "Free" Thread:SIB


Almost forgot the Womens Rowing championships:scared
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Rock Chalk
Forum Member
Dec 26, 2004
Lawrence, KS
You could always run up your post count by saying good luck in everyones thread, and by the year you joined, you would then be seen as a veteran, right? :shrug:

You do make some good points... but people are going to get their feelings hurt no matter what in something like this at one time or another. I think the best thing to do is try to stay out of the 'drama' and just post your pics/info.

If, as a newbie, no one is paying attention to you... just win some games, show people you have talent, and I promise that you'll get a million trolls frequenting every post you make.

GL man.

dirty ernie

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 4, 2002
New York
I especially enjoy the regulars who threaten to leave and sit back and wait for all the please please PLEASE don't go posts to come rolling in. God, what drama. Happens everywhere though. Not just here. Seems to be less of it here at MJ's.
One of the popular regulars on another site has threatened to leave simply because people have been bashing notre dame. Not bashing HIM. Notre Dame.
Now he's sitting back and watching the please please PLEASE come back posts pile up. Some guys want the notre dame bashers banned so this guy will come back. They've gone so far as to start a petition. God, the drama. :142smilie


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
Good post nasty d,

I find myself drawn into the drama as well. It wastes alot of time, that is for sure. But sometimes it is entertaining as hell.

I agree that newbies get the shaft here, but i only follow maybe 10-20 cappers on this site, and it is because I have tracked them over a year or so and interacted with them as well. How many 25 post newbs come and go that have claimed they are the greatest only to blow their wad on a game they felt good about and lost? More than I can count. I can think of one who has yet to post a play and claims he is the greatest capper ever (Sponge) and he has like 800 posts and no one gives him any more respect than they give a 10 post new member.

I would hope any new member would just stick with posting lke Jyhawk said, contribute your point of view but dont be obnoxious about it. If they post with any consistency and have an opinion on the games I will read them and comment on them.

I think new members are accepted here alot faster than other sites i have seen. Especially since 7/10 of the new member stcik around for a season, stir up shit, post losers that are "locks" and then leave never to be seen again.
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
. I can think of one who has yet to post a play and claims he is the greatest capper ever (Sponge) and he has like 800 posts and no one gives him any more respect than they give a 10 post new member.

lol, I thought I was the only one who had noticed this?? The last time he posted he was I think 9-2, I did a search, and found one play from early October. :shrug:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Big nasty what you are talking about is basically what those two token nitwits six-five and BStocks who trashed me in this thread are all about. Now you can go in the "post your strongest Play in the NFL" and find that i am 8-1. This is one post a week. Its all easy to find but these two trouble makers will always make trouble for newbies. I even challenge one to a twenty game contest giving him two games to quit his childish shit but he coward out. Somehow in the post world of worlds people mistake a guy with 10,000 post of being some kind of god. These two punks who trash me daily will run off someone weak but i will be here until the site owner chooses to send me packing and not leave because of a couple of clowns. I can't vouch for a lot of what you say because i haven't been here that long but i can attest that a newbie here gets disrespected no matter what he says. It takes a little time to adjust and you find out the real people from the frauds.
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Big nasty what you are talking about is basically what those two token nitwits six-five and BStocks who trashed me in this thread are all about. Now you can go in the "post your strongest Play in the NFL" and find that i am 8-1. This is one post a week. Its all easy to find but these two trouble makers will always make trouble for newbies. I even challenge one to a twenty game contest giving him two games to quit his childish shit but he coward out. Somehow in the post world of worlds people mistake a guy with 10,000 post of being some kind of god. These two punks who trash me daily will run off someone weak but i will be here until the site owner chooses to send me packing and not leave because of a couple of clowns. I can't vouch for a lot of what you say because i haven't been here that long but i can attest that a newbie here gets disrespected no matter what he says. It takes a little time to adjust and you find out the real people from the frauds.

start your own threads for your picks and don't just post who you "like" or generalities. That doesn't count. Sack up.