Pepin couldn't have put it any better with his *until* someone wants to do a number on you, line.
as far as your question about things posted here, they are MEANT to be seen by others, and you are fully aware that it is a public forum....... (or do you mean easy for someone to find out WHERE you are posting at public forums?) in which case, yes, it's very easy for them to dig.
Many things that are possible, i never would have believed, unless seen with my own eyes..... you are led to believe (in general) that e mails and such, including other possible information transmitted over the www, are private, WRONG...... in fact, after having to use my system recovery disk (TWO DAMN TIMES EVEN, in the last week) .... i'm amazed at the number of warning pop ups that come up, telling you right out that it is possible for others to view this information, and do you want to continue. I know i was warned a long time ago, that there WAS no privacy, when you were dealing on line, but it is the extent of that *no privacy* that now shocks me. With the tiniest bit of info on you, someone with good computer knowledge and skills, can find out about anything they want to know.
guarantee you one thing, it sure changes the things i will do or say online now.....LOL