Manny Ramirez SUSPENDED Indefinitely


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Nov 16, 2002
Vegas brothels
Newscast releases ammendment

Newscast releases ammendment

News 7 Boston has just ammended their statement to read...

Red Sox management has benched Ramirez Indefinitely.:shrug:

This is gettin awful UGLY folks


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
I'm glad. Been a Sox fan all my life and getting sick and tired of the diva mentality he and Pedro have taken on. I want guys on the team who want to be there. Johnny Damon runs into the steel wall Saturday night, takes Sunday off and hes back at work Monday. Trot Nixon takes a 96mph heater off his wrist in the 8th yesterday, could have easily sat down, but gets up and hits the grand slam in the 9th.

Sick of this shit. Manny is a whiny-ass baby who wants the world to revolve around him. How many guys on this team right now have 20+ homers? A lot, and a lot of hard working 300 hitters too.


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
this guy is unbelievable, quits in the Middle of a pennant race. Most people outside Boston probably don't know what's going on, but basically Manny backed out of the entire Yankees series & yesterday game against Philadelphia because of a sore throat. 20 + million a season for this crying baby and his SideKick little Petey.

Meanwhile Boston fans saddled with the highest ticket price of any sport in the Country to pay these Dominican pussys

I'd love to see some fans roll this shithead outside the RITZ CARTON, where he lives.

I remember a couple years back, went to a exhibition game between AAA Pawtucket & Boston. Game was held up for 15 minutes while several people searched for Ramirez Diamond earring that fell off while sliding into third.:thefinger


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
yyz said:
Take that other Taco Bell reject, Pedro, right with him......two worthless pricks.

Pedro has just announced that he will no long be a part of Mad Jacks because of these comments............Thanks alot yyz :cry:

Trade both of their over paid asses.......I hear Detroit is nice this time of year :thefinger


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Mar 2, 2002
i wouldnt hold your breath about ramirez being benched "indefinetely"...these days that term means tonight and maybe weds.



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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
pisses me off cooz, New England fans lose lawyer Milloy today, a true warrior & team player that would run through a wall for the team and the Patriots don't want to pay the contract they offered him. Meanwhile Ramirez makes 5 times Milloy and shuts it down for a cold, then blows off his doctors appointments :confused:


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
sham I agreed with you at first about Milloy, but about the only thing he was good for was clubhouse leadership. This was our supposed defensive captain and last year lets see no INTs, no Sacks, no forced fumbles. Not very good for your defensive captain. I'm pissed as hell about it, but it can only get better.


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
lawyer isn't a cover guy. How many tackles?;)
I can tell you will hesitation that lawyer is the unquestioned leader of this team. Everyone on the Defense looked to him, he set the tone. You don't cut someone like that for financial reasons 4 days before your season opener, makes no sense at all & Patriots will pay in my opinion

good luck


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
The Rome Laying The Laed Pipe to Manny

The Rome Laying The Laed Pipe to Manny

Rome reports Manny had a sore throat, but was caught in a hotel bar with yankees Enrique.

What people have to realize is that here in the Bronx we know Manny is a S'Bag... but so what....I mean really so what ???

Manny likes to drink...... so what ???? ... It just proves he is human... so did the Mick....

Honestly... is there someone who is a drinker , that never couldn't make to work ?????

I mean really, Jim Rome better not ever wake up with a hangover, he is Mr. Perfect i guess... ??????????:thefinger


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
this has nothing to do with drinking, all reports I have heard in Boston say Ramirez met Wilson in the LOBBY of the Ritz Carlton for approximately 10 minutes. I have heard nobody raise any issue about drinking. The problem lies in commitment to the team during the most important part of the season.


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Nov 16, 2002
Vegas brothels
The dude dont drink

The dude dont drink

Its well known throughout the baseball world that Ramirez doesnt drink and never did. The press reports we're getting here in Vegas are that Manny refused to pinch hit last night when asked twice by Gradys staff. Also that he blew off 2 different Dr. appts with the team physician. The dude is a slug and I feel bad for the great Boston fans who always wind up with a loser or 2 on their squad (i.e. Carl Everett, Dante Bichette).

Give em hell tonite sox:firing:

british bulldog

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Sep 5, 2002
England, u.k.
However much I hate the Bosox, one has to applaud what their offense has achieved all season long. By season end 6 players could have 100 RBI's and the majority batting over or close to 300.

Their rivals the Yankees would take on board both Ramirez and Pedro. Their pitching stinks and the middle order couldn't swat a fly. Williams ought to stick to music, can't throw from centre field and what's he batting since his return, 220? Giambi struggling at present although he's got good numbers. Delluci and sorry can't remember the third baseman because neither have done anything with the bat.

Clemens leaves, Wells over weight, Pettite on the move possibly. Jesus that only leaves Mussina. Think they need Pedro, Prior and a few others.

Can't understand why you bosox fans get so upset every year. The best you could ever hope for is a wild card spot and how do top players get motivated when the bullpen continually blow leads every week. That's like turning up for work, work your bollocks off only for some clown to come along five minutes later and completely balls it up. I know I would get pissed off real quick.

The Bosox don't deserve talent of the likes of Pedro and Manny. You should be grateful you have them and appreciate all that they have achieved because without them Boston would be a 450 ball club.


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Oct 16, 2000
Boston, Ma. USA
BBdog, at least we have a team to root for!! Manny is an idiot and should be benched for the year, pedro on the other hand gets a pass from me because pitching is hard to come by.

Maybe we should throw some more of your tea into the harbor:shrug: :thefinger :D :moon:


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Oct 3, 2002
Don't talk about chit you know nothing about homes!

Boston fans are among the most knowledgeable and loyal in baseball. Is it their fault the Sox choke every year? Boston fans have every right to be upset and in most other cities you'd see the frustration reflected in empty seats but Boston sells out consistantly, win or lose.

Funny how you say w/o Pedro and Manny Boston would be a .450 club. Bullchit homes! This isn't a 2 player club by a longshot but I wouldn't expect some bloke living in jolly ole England to know better so I'll cut you some slack...

Stick to rugby esse!!:thefinger


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 16, 2002
Vegas brothels
Well said Jamm

Well said Jamm

These Boston fans definitely deserve better.
As for the Brit that "Hates" the Sox- my only question is why????? Did you bet the farm on them and lose and now blame the team? :nono:
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