Mansion trouble


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Forum Member
Dec 4, 2002
Niagara Falls, NY
Quote from Offshore Wire

During our recent stay in Las Vegas we have enjoyed the opportunity to share thoughts and comments about Mansion with other industry insiders and big players. The book has reached its new bottomline last week, when accrued losses since its opening have hit the 20 Million Dollars marker. In these last two/three weeks a group of players we have spoken to has won nearly 3 Million Dollars from this already fading Star of reduced juice, this despite the drastic limit cuts recently introduced by the Book's management. Most insiders tend to believe that the book will not manage to turn around its precociously failed business model during MLB, however the vast majority of insiders and players we've spoken with in Las Vegas tends to believe that all players will be paid should Mansion's wealthy owner decide to put an end to his bookmaking ambitions sometimes this coming Spring.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
Ive used Mansion before and they are an awesome book...great site design, hope they get over this financial debacle and keep running
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