I'm taking Mariah Carey to go under the 1:59 mark on the singing of the national anthem. I've conducted some tests with stop watches and what not and every time comes up about ten seconds short. I think the wild card here is whether she goes with a little instrumental intro. If she does, I'm screwed. You know, most Super Bowl national anthems are lip synced anyway. So somebody already must know if shes gong over.
They are also taking bets on what song U2 sings at halftime with Beautiful Day being the favorite. Somebody has to know this too. Have they not rehearsed? I'm spending the rest of the day making some calls to New Orleans. I'll be back with the results. This could be the LOCK OF MY LIFETIME! I'm not kidding either.
On a side note, I like the Pats and Points.
Big T.
They are also taking bets on what song U2 sings at halftime with Beautiful Day being the favorite. Somebody has to know this too. Have they not rehearsed? I'm spending the rest of the day making some calls to New Orleans. I'll be back with the results. This could be the LOCK OF MY LIFETIME! I'm not kidding either.
On a side note, I like the Pats and Points.
Big T.