Mary Cheney and "wife" pregnant...


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

WASHINGTON ? Mary Cheney, daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney and wife Lynne, and her longtime lesbian partner are expecting a child, confirmed Wednesday.

"The vice president and Mrs. Cheney are looking forward with eager anticipation to the arrival of their sixth grandchild," Dick Cheney spokeswoman Megan McGinn said. She could not confirm the due date for the baby.

The Washington Post reported in Wednesday editions that the baby is due in late spring. The newspaper said Mary Cheney, 37, and Heather Poe, 45, who have been together 15 years, are "ecstatic" about the new addition.

Click here to read the The Washington Post's report.

Mary Cheney's pregnancy follows on the heels of the birth of a fifth child to Elizabeth Cheney and husband Philip Perry. Elizabeth Cheney went on leave as deputy assistant secretary of state ahead of the July birth.

Mary Cheney is currently vice president for consumer advocacy at AOL, but has been an aide to her father, serving in his 2004 campaign alongside Elizabeth.

McGinn said she had no information on whether Mary Cheney and Poe, who moved from Colorado to Virginia a year ago to be closer to the rest of the Cheney family, will try to go somewhere to get married.

Virginia voters last month voted for a ban on same-sex marriage in the state. In the 2004 election season, Vice President Cheney said the issue of gay marriage should be left up to the states and "people ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to."

In an interview with FOX News in May, Mary Cheney, who earlier this year released a book about her life, said she thought a federal amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman "is writing discrimination into the Constitution."

The Post quoted the source close to the family as saying the circumstances of Mary Cheney's pregnancy will remain private. In an interview with the Post six months ago, when asked if she and Poe wanted children, Cheney said that was a "conversation I think I should have with Heather first."

Fox really buried this story for some reason, but I found it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Originally Posted by DOGS THAT BARK
"You might see just how amusing it is for we neocons to be chastised for traditional values especially from someone from state of Mass where killer and child molestors get lifetime seats and is only state you have to ask which is husband and which is wife."

Now his Neocon Hero Cheney's daughter is doing it. Somehow I feel the Kentucky Dog doesn't have a problem with this.:142smilie

Dick Cheney walks into a Bar, sits down, sets a turkey baster on the
stool next to him, and orders two beers..

Bartender: (quizzical look)

Dick: Go F *&K yourself! Can't a guy buy his son-in-law a beer?

Tough day eh Dogs.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I stand by the who's the daddy. Why would it be any diff with her--except I don't believe they are married. Don't see how it would change my opinion just because it's cheneys daughters.

I do have problem with liberal reporting
Your brother Smurph makes this statement-

"Fox really buried this story for some reason, but I found it."

one of 2 things are fact considering it was on their main headlines on 4 different catagories per links below--and I saw it no less than 3 or 4 times when viewing Fox TV.

A: smurph is clueless to what he states or B: has a clue and is trying to dupe his fellow lemmings:nono:
You might ask him which?

International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe ...... Members Found; Dick Cheney's Gay Daughter Pregnant; Fresh Search Teams Join Hunt
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I do have problem with liberal reporting
Your brother Smurph makes this statement-

"Fox really buried this story for some reason, but I found it."

one of 2 things are fact considering it was on their main headlines on 4 different catagories per links below--and I saw it no less than 3 or 4 times when viewing Fox TV.

A: smurph is clueless to what he states or B: has a clue and is trying to dupe his fellow lemmings:nono:
You might ask him which?

International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe ...... Members Found; Dick Cheney's Gay Daughter Pregnant; Fresh Search Teams Join Hunt
in Oregon for Missing California Father; Federal Authorities ... - 56k - 2006-12-07

Voting | Vote | 2006 Elections... Members Found; Dick Cheney's Gay Daughter Pregnant; Fresh Search Teams Join Hunt
in Oregon for Missing California Father; Federal Authorities ... Senate&106 - 42k - 2006-12-07

Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment ...... Members Found; Dick Cheney's Gay Daughter Pregnant; Fresh Search Teams Join Hunt
in Oregon for Missing California Father; Federal Authorities ... - 51k - 2006-12-07

Iraq | War | Map... Members Found; Dick Cheney's Gay Daughter Pregnant; Fresh Search Teams Join Hunt
in Oregon for Missing California Father; Federal Authorities ... - 43k - 2006-12-07

Hey, I apologize. It must have been timing. When I wanted to post the story, it was the last item listed from only the political link at I only found it because I was specifically looking for it. I didn't watch any news channels at all yesterday, so I shouldn't have judged all of FoxNews based only on what I saw from the website at that time. I'd like to take back the extra comment - it was obviously incorrect and pointless anyway.
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