2023 Tennis Record
Parlay 3-13
Head to Head 33-44
Over/Under 4-3
Game Spread 12-18
Prop 22-25
Futures 0-0
+11.67 units
French Open Qualies Parlay
Noma Akugue Noha
Leyre Romero Gormaz
Elina Avanesyan
Nicholas David Ionel
Matteo Gigante
Dominic Stephan Stricker
odds = $10.44 (+944) *half unit
Parlay 3-13
Head to Head 33-44
Over/Under 4-3
Game Spread 12-18
Prop 22-25
Futures 0-0
+11.67 units
French Open Qualies Parlay
Noma Akugue Noha
Leyre Romero Gormaz
Elina Avanesyan
Nicholas David Ionel
Matteo Gigante
Dominic Stephan Stricker
odds = $10.44 (+944) *half unit