Headline at NJ.com
McGrevey Reveals He's Gay, Resigns as of Nov. 15
Citing a lifelong "struggle with my own identity," New Jersey Governor James McGreevey admitted an extramarital affair with a man and resigned as governor as of Nov. 15, 2004.
In an empassioned statement delivered live on national TV, McGreevey, 47, said he resigned because his conduct left the governor's office vulnerable to political attacks. McGreevey's wife was at his side and family were in attendance.
"I am a gay American," was the statement that followed several minutes of McGreevey describing the soul-searching he said he has been doing since childhood.
The governor said the fact of his being gay should have no impact on his being governor, but he conceeded that the political realities of his office and his adultery left him open to attack, and that resigning was "the right thing to do."
The resignation occurs amid reports that a lawsuit
The effective date of the resignation, coming almost two weeks after the general election, precludes the need for a special election.
More to come...
McGrevey Reveals He's Gay, Resigns as of Nov. 15
Citing a lifelong "struggle with my own identity," New Jersey Governor James McGreevey admitted an extramarital affair with a man and resigned as governor as of Nov. 15, 2004.
In an empassioned statement delivered live on national TV, McGreevey, 47, said he resigned because his conduct left the governor's office vulnerable to political attacks. McGreevey's wife was at his side and family were in attendance.
"I am a gay American," was the statement that followed several minutes of McGreevey describing the soul-searching he said he has been doing since childhood.
The governor said the fact of his being gay should have no impact on his being governor, but he conceeded that the political realities of his office and his adultery left him open to attack, and that resigning was "the right thing to do."
The resignation occurs amid reports that a lawsuit
The effective date of the resignation, coming almost two weeks after the general election, precludes the need for a special election.
More to come...