Memorial Day ...remember

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Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
A few years ago I posted these pictures of the American Cemetary outside of Florence,Italy.I grew up at Camp Darby, an American Nato base about an hour from Florence.I was there for 10 yrs growing up.Going to an army dependent school from the age of 6 to 16.Every Memorial Day brings back those days in Italy.As 2nd,3rd,4th,and 5th graders every Memorial Day weekend our elementary school would take school buses with us on board to put American flags on every grave of our US soldiers that died in Italy during WWar 2.Some years we put flags,small flowers and some the Italian flag next to the American one.We always had P&G sandwichs with kool aid that didn't have enough sugar and sandwiches with not enough jelly when it was lunch time.[strange how I can remember something like that]
There are 4,400 graves so it took a long time to plant a flag or put a flower on each grave.I always remember one grave with a spanish surname from Texas.I always would go to him and wonder if any of his relatives ever came to Italy to see his grave.Probaly only 19 or 20, he gave his life like so many others fighting in northern Italy.
I think I'm lucky to have witnessed and be a part of something on this holiday.I think as kids we all complained about our annual trip but looking back now how rewarding it was.

This year my high schools trip back in April was Italy.Over 100 students went.I spoke to them in the cafeteria before they boarded the bus to the airport.Of course the 1st 10 minuts was about drinking,partying,not acting stupid,etc.But I also told them that on the bus ride from Rome to Florence,just outside of Florence look for the American cemetary in the valley.You can see it from the autostrada.Many tourist just drive by it without even knowing who is buried there.
When our kids got back I was told by the 4 teachers that chaperoned the trip they made the tour bus pull over for 2 minuts to stare at the beautiful rows of white crosses.The 1st picture is what they can see from the highway[almost]
It made me feel good.Those 4,000 american kids out there are the reason we live in this great country.Tomorrow my kids will go to the mall,galleria,movies,etc.We kinda forget what this holiday is all about.I won't...I hope you don't either..
Hope everyone is doing great here..Have a safe holiday...Peace...





yankee hater
Forum Member
Jul 1, 2004

very nice. it seems sometimes we do take memorial day for granted. maybe we need a reminder just what the day really means. thanks for mine. :cool:
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Another Steve

Put Pete In
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2002
Thanks Box, My Dad is Retired Air Force, will be spending time with Him today.

Thanks to all who made this a Free Country.