Message for Hoops

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
charlotte, nc, usa

Been a Pats fan for a long time. Have to agree with most of your write-up. The loss of Terry Glenn could be large for this team that depends on 32-38 passes per game from Bledsoe. Think the whole key to this team is Bledsoe. He's not the toughest guy in the game but, given time in the pocket he is one the most deadly passers out there. Defense hinges on whether Ted Johnson can stay healthy, with Katzenmoyer already gone.
Larry Izzo (from Miami) could be a big plus on D. Ty Law and Lawyer Milloy make up a very good secondary. i think the addition of Antwoin Smith is better than what they have had since Curtis Martin. last year they had the worst running game in the NFL. Look for a little improvement there. Kickinggame is solid as it was last year with Lee johnson P and Adam Venetieri PK. I think the whole thing depends on Bledsoe having the season that we've all been waiting for, he can look very good or can look extremely bad. The offensive line is suspect at best and unless they step it up..could mean curtains for Bledsoe who has been known to have "Happy Feet" which doesn't bode well for a guy with no mobility. That being said, look for them to gome out swinging against Cinn. and Carolina because it gets a lot harder after that. Hope some of this helps.

Talk to you soon..



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 10, 1999
Patriot- Thanks for your analysis. As I mentioned, I see them as a 6-10 type team, and that's only if Bledsoe is healthy the entire season. I'm not sold on Smith being the answer at RB. He had a good stretch to end the season when he was a rookie..since then, hasn't come close to that form. Bills are weak at RB and still didn't want him back. And if McGinest goes down, where will they get a pass-rush from? He is no cinch to stay healthy either. As you said, offensive line is suspect. Can't afford to have defenses play target practice with Drew.