MMA Record (since UFC 58)
Prop Bet 20-11
Fighter vs. Fighter 80-96
Parlays 45-48
+101.31 Joe Rogans
Getting on this now.........odds should be worse by fight time.
Ryan Ford beat Joe Jordan $1.35 *5 Joe Rogans:scared :scared
This dude Ford is for real, most haven't heard of him, but he has a bright future in MMA. Just can't see him losing in his home city.
Prop Bet 20-11
Fighter vs. Fighter 80-96
Parlays 45-48
+101.31 Joe Rogans
Getting on this now.........odds should be worse by fight time.
Ryan Ford beat Joe Jordan $1.35 *5 Joe Rogans:scared :scared
This dude Ford is for real, most haven't heard of him, but he has a bright future in MMA. Just can't see him losing in his home city.