Interactive Basketball..Musburger
Interactive Basketball..Musburger
Ever think those stupid little "Brent-isms" would be primed for a good old fashioned drinking game? Not for those under 21... Play at your own risk.
Let The Games Begin....
Rule #1: "The pardner". A person is picked to be the pardner at the beginning of the game. The first time Brent says "pardner", the pardner has to take 1 drink, and then picks someone else to be the pardner. The next time Brent says it, the new pardner has to take 2 drinks, and then pick a
new pardner, and so on and so on. The pardner must wear a special "pardner" hat.
Rule #2: "Folks" Everyone drinks 1 when Brent says "Folks". However, if Brent says "Hold on Folks", everyone must drink once but the first person to drink has to finish their drink for not holding on.
Rule #3: "Dr.Pepper". Everytime Brent says "Dr. Pepper" everyone has to yell out "I'M A PEPPER!" and take 2 drinks. Afterwards, each person must give out a satisfied "AAAAAAAHHHHH!", as if in a Dr. Pepper commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again.
Alternate Rule #4: " Budweiser". If the
game is sponsered by Budweiser and not DP, Everytime Brent says "Budweiser" everyone has to yell out "THIS BUD'S FOR YOU!" and take 2 drinks.
Afterwards, each person must say "TRUE", as if in a Budweiser commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again.
Rule #5: "In the college game". Whenever Brent says this little gem, everyone must say "Shut the f### up Brent", drink 2, and punch the pardner in the arm.
Rule #6: "Mentioning a Big 10 school during a non-Big 10 game". Whenever Brent does this, the first person
who names the Big 10 school's mascot gets to make somebody drink for 11 seconds, since there's 11 schools in the Big 10.
Rule #7: "My Friend". Every pardner gets to choose a "Friend". The friend must always get up to get the pardner another drink (since the pardner will be doing quite a
bit of that). However, when Brent utters "My Friend" the friend gets to punch the pardner in the arm for making him get up so much..