Mlb 2004-003

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Getting back into the groove of things...I'd better knock off the adding plays and fooling around if I'm going to cash em in big this season...See last night's post for current record.

Today, play:

Tigers--Bonderman bags them their first sweep in how long? This team is determined, and has a dangerous lineup...jump on them now, while the prices favor the bettor.

Giants--Another sweep, Clemens gets shelled in his first NL appearance. Consider the over on this one, if you're afraid of the side.

Dodgers--Weaver will be money in the bank now that he's out of Yankee hell...I may be alone in my opinion, but the Padres are no dark horse--besides, how can you be a "dark horse" when EVERYONE likes you to win?

There's your 3 spot, take it or leave it, but Good Luck to all of us!