MLB POD 7/27

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Forum Member
Nov 6, 1999
La Crosse, WI
Yesterday's Brutal Recap:
1-5 -8.30 Units

Overall Second Half (July 1st & After)
41-42-1 +3.17 Units

Wow, when I say I have my Play of the Day.... everyone should run for friggin' cover the other way as fast as you can the way my plays have been going lately. Actually, I am going to increase my units and play only one or two a day until it gets better for me. Anyway, FWIW, this is the game I like today.

Chi White Sox +105 Bos Red Sox
Risking 4.00 Units to Win 4.20 Units

Going with the young lefty as a small dog today. He has been fantastic since May, where he has been 6-3 and has allowed only 29 Earned in 98.2 innings. Away from home this year he has been 4-2 with a 2.82 ERA. Lefties have only hit him for .198 and Righties not much better at .233. The main worry I have with the White Sox is their overused pen, but Keith Foulke is the main man there and available. Wakefield has struggled over the last month. In July he is 1-3 with a 7.17 ERA. Against the White Sox he has thrown only three innings this year and has given up five earned. The Red Sox pen has been overused as well and Derek Lowe once again can't get anyone out.

Someone out their pray for me!!!!
