Over 197 Dal/NO (3 units)
New Orleans +8 1/2 (1 unit)
1 unit......197-221-9, -46.1
3 unit...... 86-64-2, +37.2
5 unit......23-28-3, -39.5
ML.....1-1, +1.35
Props...2-2, +.35
Teasers...0-2, -4.8
Halftime....1-0, +5.0
NBA Total of Year 2...Over 203 1/2 SA/DAL, 12/20/14, CL 207, LOST 99-93, -11.0 units
NBA Total of Year...198 1/2 LAC/Indiana, 12/10/14, WON, Score 103-96 (CL 199 1/2), +10.0 units
NBA GAME OF YEAR...Memphis -2, 12/16/14 vs Golden St, closing line -3 1/2, WON, Memphis 105 GS 98, +10.0 units
WON..312...LOSS...318.....Push....13......units..-34.5 from 10/28/2014 thru 02/28/15
New Orleans +8 1/2 (1 unit)
1 unit......197-221-9, -46.1
3 unit...... 86-64-2, +37.2
5 unit......23-28-3, -39.5
ML.....1-1, +1.35
Props...2-2, +.35
Teasers...0-2, -4.8
Halftime....1-0, +5.0
NBA Total of Year 2...Over 203 1/2 SA/DAL, 12/20/14, CL 207, LOST 99-93, -11.0 units
NBA Total of Year...198 1/2 LAC/Indiana, 12/10/14, WON, Score 103-96 (CL 199 1/2), +10.0 units
NBA GAME OF YEAR...Memphis -2, 12/16/14 vs Golden St, closing line -3 1/2, WON, Memphis 105 GS 98, +10.0 units
WON..312...LOSS...318.....Push....13......units..-34.5 from 10/28/2014 thru 02/28/15