Monday Picks...

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The Swam-man

Forum Member
Feb 25, 2001
As some of you know, I post over at [edit out site], and have been on fire most of the season, as I went 5-0 yesterday. Which brings my NFL Record to 13-5-1 (72%). Been killing them in college as well, as I nailed a nice +400 money-line Saturday along with a bevy of winners. In any case, tongiht I like...

Detroit +14 Yep, I am taking the dog. First things first, I am doing this too long, and one thing I learned a long time ago is this: BET the home-team underdog on Monday night! Thats it. I don't bet games, based on trends...although I am aware of them, and they are a factor in my capping, but to a much lesser extent than most. However, I don't fool around with this one. This 'system', from what I have saw (maybe somebody could give us the exact number) wins at around 70%. And the logic behind it, is what makes me like it so much. It fits my style of capping. Why? Well, lets look at it. I am sure many of you, as I have, have gone to a Monday night game. And there is no question the electricity is at a much higher pitch. The game takes on a lot more meaning. Its an event. Now, no team wants to get embarrassed on national t.v., in front of the home crowd, and lose. Add into the fact, that the Lions are aware that they are a 13 point underdog, and many believe they are going to lose bad...Its a Knute Rockne speech waiting to happen. And football is a game of emotion. Now, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the Lions are over-matched talent wise. However, this game is a huge game for the Lions, as I am hearing they are hoping to use this game to get their season on track. Not to mention, as bad as people are saying Det is...they have only lost 2 games, on the ROAD, to two pretty good football teams (especially at home) the Packers, and Browns. Which is another misconception, people look to the whipping the Browns gave them, and think this is the Browns of old.(not the case, not to mention Detmer threw 7 int.) Another point, this is Detroits first game at home, a la the Steelers and Saints (who I had yesterday). There is no coincidence that they won. And, no matter how bad Detroit has been in the past, they always play good at home. It gets loud in the Silverdome. Because of their overall lack of speed on defense, the Lions are putting together a different package for the blazing Rams offense. While the coaches know they can't "catch" the Rams with schemes, they hope to throw enough at quarterback Kurt Warner to knock him off rhythm...Now, while Warner has been excellent at defeating blitzes, I believe a raucous Silverdome crowd could mean the split-second difference between a completed pass and a sack or errant throw. Why do you think the Rams never lose at home? (because its nice and quiet when they have the football). Not to mention, I like this Robert Porcher, he will get to Warner. I also look for ex-Ram Todd Lyght to raise his level of play against his former team.(he hasn't played too well yet this season). Now, with all this said...the f_cking Rams are dangerous...this isn't a game I normally would bet. However, I got that 'gut' feeling, and the home-dog on Monday night has paid too many dividends for me in the past. I am obviously a bit concerned about Detmer, but he and the Lions have had plenty of time to prepare for this game. They have the receivers (Moore & Crowell) to make some noise. And TE David Sloan has looked better in practice, and should get back on track after a terrible start. And let me be frank, this is a huge game for the entire Lion organization from GM to special teams player. They have had an extra week to prepare. Its on national T.V. And its their home-opener. I think they could maybe WIN the game. I really can't see them not giving a maximum effort, and getting 14 points sounds good to me. And, I will take the +700 money line as well. Hey, I have to constantly try and out-do myself, and after hitting the +400 money-line on COL Sat...lets see if I can? So, take the 14 points, and lay some action on the Money-line...if I hit that too, you guys better throw me a parade!

Good Luck!!!

[This message has been edited by MadJack (edited 10-08-2001).]

Never Caught Up

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Forum Member
Apr 17, 2001
Even if this guy had been right, and I wish he had been, his arrogance makes me ill.

I can't stand cappers . . . no matter how good they are . . . who brag about themselves and write to members of the forum sounding like they are the only person in the world that God gave a brain to. They come across as if nobody is as great as they are and anyone who doesn't agree is stupid. To me . . . that kind of an attitude is stupid.

At least I guess this asshole doesn't expect us to throw him that parade now.


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Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
As I said Never Caught,I hope he does not hold his breath too long, the self serving ego may burst..Hope all had good weeks..Back on Friday,Spanky...

The Swam-man

Forum Member
Feb 25, 2001
Hey Spanky...or should I say BANNED FROM ****** Spanky!! LOL!! I am surprised you are still allowed over here. For any that don't know, this clown threatned the owner in an e-mail if he wasn't allowed back on the site. BANNED Spanky!!

As far as the rest of you...yeah, I am cocky, but I am good. My record of there speaks for its self...and that is 100% to the letter of my plays. However, I must have been drunk tonight, because that was a terrible call, and I am embarrassed by it. So I can take it....However, we will see how I do from here on in...Jack is familiar with who I am, and I am a known commodity.

You must also note, that in my haste, I just 'pasted' the post I made over there...not realizing that it may have come off a little abrasive. I will say...that anybody that listens to this psycho really nuts. Yeah, he hit a few games this weekend. (Who he stole the plays from is what I want to know) But this guy is really nuts...I mean he lies constantly, and actually THREATENED an owner of a site in an e-mail. me a favor...don;t post in my threads...and believe me, I NEVER post in yours.

And, Spanky, don't make me dig up the archives to really embarrass you!

Good Luck...I'll be back

The Swam-man

Forum Member
Feb 25, 2001
IronLock -- LOL! 0-10 IronLock!!! Give it up Hillbilly...your terrible!

And I love your record...Deceiving people with that bogus record. Which still sucks..but looks a little better because you don't put the actual profit/loss of your wagers. Yet you make these $2 and $4 plays???? For what? You don't keep TAHT record. You know why? Because you are down BIG this year. Shall I figure it out. My record blows you away. You fool! You are terrible. Give up the parlays too!! LOL!!

0-10...NEVER have I seen that...You my friend, are unique!!! LOL!!

[This message has been edited by The Swam-man (edited 10-09-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 29, 2000
You couldn't touch my record...

NCAA Hoops- 98-63 final were a miserable 52% documented.

Didn't you post earlier at ***** that I was 11-17...why did you lie? YOu lied because you fear me. I dont let you get away with your chest pounding bullshit. You are a fukin geek with no friends who tries to impress people on these boards with your bullshitt.

You are a favorite playing square, who brags when he is hot, and disappears when he is not. Well, get lost. This board is full of CLASS my friend, something that you TOTALLY lack.

The Swam-man

Forum Member
Feb 25, 2001
Iron -- You argue with everybody. Over here as well. Your NCAA record is a lie...And keep holding onto that...Hello! This is 2001, college footabll, and I guarantee you are down HUGE this year....I would bet liek close to -40 UNITS!!! Dude, your terrible. I am +22 Units in college and hitting at a 70% clip in the NFL...I am sure you have checked....What? You got nothing to say about that, huh, Mr. 0-10. Man, I couldn't go 0-10 if I tried. YOU are BAD!!! Thats it. End of story. And as far as friends. Uh, guy, you live in bump-f_ck South Dakota...I from NYC and live in Vegas...I probally have more friends than you have population in your city. And as far as these boards...I got 20-30 people over at the other site, replying to my posts...EVERY DAY...You are just a "hater" plain and simple...and have always been one.

You little sucker! Can I book your are a mush!! you suck!!! What a parlay I would have hit fading your miserable picks!

And, I did nothing but post my game...YOU, you liar, took a shot at me. Typical. You slam me...and then I set the record straight, and you want to run to Jack.

[This message has been edited by The Swam-man (edited 10-09-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
I.E, MJ:

Someone close this's getting out of hand! Guys, use this site for what it's intended help us all make money! I've read a lot of bashing and bitching this week...I myself, is in the hole this week. It's been a terrible week this week for handicappers. I hope we leave this week behind us and continue on a clean slate next week. GLTA


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
I agree,Idon't know if this is drunken outrage,which it sure seems like.Nobody needs to be attacked the way this guy is going at people.Hey, we all try to post our NFL ideas and thoughts here and HELP each other. We don't need to get dumped on..Is this Beantown Jim at it again?? It sounds like him maybe??
Early lean,I agree G.B.did outplay Tampa AND I was lucky,but that is part of football,getting breaks here and there.I Think G.B. is ready to put up a big number this weekend,thus,OVER GREEN BAY is the early spanky NFL play..Good luck to all .SPanky....
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