Montreal G2-->1-0-0

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2000
Quebec, Canada
I'll try to post only my habs play.
If record is good i'll only post play and little info....if i suck i will post more number crushing and why i'm picking in more you can fade me right. If i have valuable info i will post it what ever. If you have any questions about habs don't hesitate to ask; i look in here every day and if i dont have the numbers or info i will do the search for you.

kOIVU still out; Mtl cant buy more than 2 goals per game.(1,56 in pre-season). Defense not impresive against Ottawa.

Record 1-0-0--->1$

Toronto -,5

I'm leaving total away for start of the year.

Will post any additional info prior to game.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg