more on false reporting


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Heres another example of liberal media false reporting--this was interview of Clinton by lemming Stephanopoulos on monday and reported by lemming NYT below--and taken at face value by lemmings that don't view fair and balanced media and somehow believe Clinton could actually tell the truth.

"PRESIDENT CLINTON: Well, that's what I think. I think this idea--I think it's very important that Americans understand, you know, tax cuts are always popular, but about half of these tax cuts since 2001 have gone to people in my income group, the top 1 percent. I've gotten four tax cuts"

---Really hate to inform you Bill but only people that didn't get tax break is those that paid no taxes--and ( pardon me) but maybe you would like to inform the public how you got to top 1% when never paying taxes on more than $35,000 income in privite sector????

Slick--"They're responsible for this big structural deficit, and they're not going away, the deficits aren't."

Really he doesn't think 911--2 wars and natural disaters played any part. Right Slick we could have continued to look other way as you did and let them try a 3rd time on our soil--and maybe you could elaborate on how "they" were responsible for 911 when it was you that failed to take UBL when offered??

"PRESIDENT CLINTON: Well, I think we did a good job of that. For example, we had the lowest African-American unemployment, the lowest African-American poverty rate ever recorded. We had the highest homeownership, highest business ownership, and we moved 100 times as many people out of poverty in eight years as had been moved out in the previous 12 years"

oh really slick--I thought "the facts proved that this admin has "ALL THE ABOVE" --maybe you missed the poverty reports-home ownership reports or any factual reports what so ever.--in addition are you unaware are just simply can't tell the truth that this admin has spent FAR MORE on entitlement programs for the poor (unfotunatly) then you ever did.

"This is a matter of public policy, and whether it's race-based or not, if you give your tax cuts to the rich and hope everything works out all right, and poverty goes up, and it disproportionately affects black and brown people, that's a consequence of the action made. That's what they did in the eighties; that's what they've done in this decade."

Let me give you some more facts to chew on Billy Bob--despite your admin not having any 911--or war defense budgets and while you benefited from boom and left office with economy in state of recession at its bust--do you know despite all this that our country will have MORE TAX REVENUE this year than ANY year in your administration WITH theTAX CUTS--how do explain this.--and once again poverty has went down NOT up in this adin--don't think you can spin the definition thing again--up is up and down is down.

fingers are getting tired--here is entire script of "canned"interview--you be the judge-and remember there are those who view these outlets as gospel without ever considering fact finding on their own--Right Stevie ;)
no question why Slick and Mrs Slick refused to be interview by Oreilly--they like these liberal outlets that take his word as gospel--with no questions or facts involved.
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Nov 4, 2000
False reporting just didn't start. I believe we all know it goes on. Just look at presidential elections. One of our biggest false hoods is about guy in office right now. But by the look of national polls the public has caught up with him and Cheney. Man he's almost setting a record for low. By the way I have not seen Clinton's tax returns published last 4 year. So I don't now if what you just said is dead on. I do know the rich guys, the ones that live high off the country. Get there lawyers and try to avoid paying much.
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Nov 29, 2003
"....and only one on the successful Iraqi elections.."

Have some patience, Manson....they'll cover the elections more in the future, when they report on those elected candidates sitting dead in a bombed out Yugo in thier own driveway.....


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Thanks Marco - that is exactly my point!!!!

The liberal media will only report NEGATIVE NEWS about Iraq, not the positive stuff that occurs. Ever see CNN reporting on how oppressed women can now vote and get jobs and go to school without getting arrested?? Hell no, they are too liberal slanted. You can have successful elections where the voter turnout percentage is actually higher than ours here in the U.S. and the liberal media won't cover it. Once something bad happens to hurt our progress, the liberal media is right there to glorify it. Shame on them. Thank god for Fox wonder they dominate the ratings!!

Just like the terrorists, liberals hate freedom and democracy in Iraq, and whenever the terrorists attack U.S. troops, the liberals and liberal media all get hardons. It's all glorified. Everytime Americans die, the Madjacks liberals are the first ones to glorify it with fresh chatroom threads. Thank god they aren't the ones who keep us safe.


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
The Media might publish more positive stories about the Iraq situation, if there were some. Also, its difficult for reporters to get out of the Green Zone and do any of these stories without getting picked off by IEDs or sniped.

Further, when they do emerge from the Green Zone, no one will talk to them.
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Nov 29, 2003
"Just like the terrorists, liberals hate freedom and democracy in Iraq..."

Speaking for myself...others may hold the same viewpoint....

I wouldn't say I hate freedom and democracy in Iraq, I just can't fathom blowing hundreds of billions of dollars trying to instill democracy in a place so religiously grounded as Iraq.

For all the money spent over there the women will still be wearing drapes and covered up except for the eyes, and be walking behind the men and entering houses through alternate entrances....thier culture and thier attitudes haven't changed like the rest of the's all about the Koran for them.....

They hate western culture and run everything through a sin filter to see if it steps on any of thier time honored Islamic traditions, as long as religion is king, democracy won't fly.

All Iraq is going to be is an Islamic state, until religion takes a back seat and the culture changes to one more mainstream....

Not only is it a waste of resources, but a gross irresponsibility to rebuild foreign countries while this country struggles to maintain a budget.....the gulf coast needs to be rebuilt, if that next hurricane reaches the Texas coastline then even more money will be needed.

I'd like to be able to say my taxmoney goes towards maintenance of our infrastructure but not only do we not take care of our own country properly, we spend hundreds of billions on foreign causes.....let them rebuild thier own country with thier own tax money, and let them run up an 8 trillion dollar national debt like we have...

People b1tch about couples having more kids than they can afford and getting welfare and public assistance, yet our government can't take care of our fifty states and solve the major problems we have today, and they pour all this money into foreign causes while our problems worsen.

So it's not that I hate freedom for them, it's simply that it won't work and we can't afford it.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
"PRESIDENT CLINTON: Well, I think we did a good job of that. For example, we had the lowest African-American unemployment, the lowest African-American poverty rate ever recorded.

Going right for that 11% of the big cities, sorry, I mean country that love his lying cheating ass.

Seems something aweful weak to be proud of to the rest of the VARIOUS multitude of races that comprise the United States for which he was also President.
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Nov 4, 2000
Races? If what he said was correct. Seems they had a start. Just doing anything is better then nothing. Lying? Welcome to real world of politics. We have some real big lying asses in power right now.