Movie Review... First Man

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Short review....SAVE YOUR MONEY.

I was hoping for an Apollo 13 type show..that is my gold standard for American Astronaut type movies.

Instead, got an absolute klinker.

The very beginning gets all your attention, it is very riveting...but its a tease....

This movie is flat and soul-less. It may be a very true portrayal of Neil Armstrong.

If so, he was a calculating android-like being with very minimal emotional content. If so, he was the right man for the first moon landing.

The pace of this movie combined with the soothing music throughout, coupled with my reclining heated lounge chair was too much to overcome, I slept thru 50% of it.

My wife took pity and only nudged me when I snored.

I now question Rotten Tomato, which gave this high marks. I think their "reviewers" may have sold out to corporate Hollywood.

Not even sure it's worth a cheap rental.....

On a scale of 1-5 stars, I generously give it a 1.5.

One star I walk out on.....


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lincoln Park, New Jersey
First Man is produced by Universal Pictures and Universal owns Rotton Tomatoes. :0074

I wish I was joking.

Yes. Universal owns 70% and Warner Bros owns the other 30%.

This is just a small example of why so much we see and experience around us is manipulated. Virtually everything is hopelessly corrupted. Its just for the most part this corruption/manipulation is well hidden.

Another small know all that "patriotism" the NFL displays at its pre-game and half-time shows? You know, the massive US flags, the fly overs, the tributes to the troops, etc. All paid for the the DOD. From 2012-2016 the DOD paid NFL teams over $100MM for these displays of "patriotism".

Even John McCain was disgusted by this and called it "paid for patriotism".

Almost nothing is as it seems.

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Yes. Universal owns 70% and Warner Bros owns the other 30%.

This is just a small example of why so much we see and experience around us is manipulated. Virtually everything is hopelessly corrupted. Its just for the most part this corruption/manipulation is well hidden.

Another small know all that "patriotism" the NFL displays at its pre-game and half-time shows? You know, the massive US flags, the fly overs, the tributes to the troops, etc. All paid for the the DOD. From 2012-2016 the DOD paid NFL teams over $100MM for these displays of "patriotism".

Even John McCain was disgusted by this and called it "paid for patriotism".

Almost nothing is as it seems.

Could it be that we are simply glimpsing outside the "Matrix?"
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