Mundine UD over Taylor

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Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007
I lost 350 on the under but bet straight up to net 180.00 or so. The hvy bet on Mundine got me up @4:00 to read a RBR. The under hit would have been nice but I'll take the W. The guys 9th rd rbr nearly made me sht but according to another post Mundine just got hit in the nutz. Looks like this was foul fested after Taylor realized he didnt have a chance.

quiet round..both guy working off their jab. taylor trying to box which is prob a bad idea. taylor trying to pressure mundine but getting caught by jabs..neither fighter unleashed much but taylor trying to throw the odd bomb..
mundine landed more though
10-9 mundine

mundine opening up a lil more and taylor trying to control centre ring...taylor needs to brawl coz mundine is fast and landing jabs and left hooks to body and head almost at will.
taylor seems to be getting frustrated coz he cant land anything flush
10-9 mundine

r3: mundines finding a home for the left hook to the head...taylor is opening up a lot more but not landing much coz mundine is very evasive. theres talk that taylor has a broken rib
10-9 mundine

taylor needs to pretend this fight is in a bar coz he cant outbox or outspeed mundine..mundine landin a lot of jabs and taylor still trying to pressure but just getting countered too much.mundine to be honest doesnt have a lot of power at 160.
10-9 mundine

same old same old...taylor trying to pressure mundine but mundine just being elusaive and countering and landing at will...taylor had success with a few flurries but mundine uses his left shoulder to keep taylor out.
10-9 mundine

r6: taylor had a lot of success in that round and landed a few hard flurries to body and head..mundine still winning the accuracy battle though..taylor warned for blatant headbutt

mundine is landing but his power seems to have gone, taylor covering up well and getting off with the right hand with varied success...mundine landed a lot of uppercuts to take the round
10-9 mundine

mundine cut, not too bad...taylor looking for the overhand right and landing a bit but not much...mundine still using his speed to pick taylor off with all sorts of shots...
mundine cares too much about what he looks like rather than stopping taylor
10-9 mundine

taylor had mundine in trouble at the end of the round and the bell rang 30 SECONDS EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT THE FCUK....KHODER NASSER PROBABLY

R10: BELL RANG WITH 40 SECS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AT least that round was 3 minutes, taylor uses every rough house tactic in the book, mundine down twice from low blows, taylor throwing everything now at mundine but still getting picked off as he storms in...taylor needs a KO

TAYLOR TOOK THAT TO THE STREETS in the last round but still lost it lol

cant be bothered to add it up but im gonna hazard a guess at

119-111 mundine

i think its 118-112 or 117-113 but choc always gets a wider decsion than justified

mundine has no power though

all mundine


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 14, 2008
Thnx for info.
Bwin had Mundine pts @ 2.55, but it seamed that Taylor maight be shot so I chickened and took Mundine straight.
He couldn't stop lighter, over the hill guy who he didn't like so in future if I bet on Mundine it will be on points.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007
Thnx for info.
Bwin had Mundine pts @ 2.55, but it seamed that Taylor maight be shot so I chickened and took Mundine straight.
He couldn't stop lighter, over the hill guy who he didn't like so in future if I bet on Mundine it will be on points.

I was counting on Taylor being shot but a few saw this going rds so I got mundine -800. I bought at another site for -1000. Intertops had Mundine -1600! A bit too much wagered on this as anything can happen in this sport but now I can go back to sleep:)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 14, 2008
I think Mundine was safe bet. Everybody is watching about his career, even timekeepers :)
You did good.