MVP would not give me bonus......


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
I just opened up an account with MVP (first/new account with them) and they told me i would recieve a 20% bonus if I deposited at least $1000. After I deposited the money, i was told I would not get any bonus because I was considered a "sharp" player. What the hell is that suppose to mean? I never even opened an account with them before. They said they had my name on their list. They also said I cannot bet over $250 a game with them. Remember, I have not even opened an account with them before. Well at least they were nice and let me take $700 out with no hassle. I was a little bummed though. I would advise anybody to call first and make sure your not on any sharp list. Whatever that means.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas


Just let them know about that "Sharp" tag!! Tell them that you have a few hundred posters here at Jacks that will bear witness to the opposite!! LOL!! Just kidding!! But that does explain why MVP lets me bet ALL I want on every play.
I have found MVP to be a class group and a fast growing book based on a fair shake for all their customers. I'll see if I can find out more about your situation. I've been betting there for a few years.

Keep it Positive, Topdog
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