My 2 cents....


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Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
I am so sick of the 2 main social issues that are being bandied about in the primaries.

1. Abortion / birth control
2. Gay marriage.

I was raised Catholic; I am a Christian - I am not overly devout; I do not attend church regularly but I live my life by a moral code.

My point is this.

The US has the largest debt in the history of civilization. EVER. Yet the topics that are being highlighted are social issues.

Let God sort it out - what I mean - if you have an abortion or use birth control or are gay and God determines that it is wrong - when you meet your Creator, let him be the judge and jury.
Let's return to some fiscal sanity and perhaps some of the social issues will sort themselves out.

Why is it SOOOO important about what other adults are doing in the privacy of their own bedrooms? Am I a proponent of the gay lifestyle? No but it also is NOT my lifestyle - who cares?

Anyway - just my cents this morning.
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Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
they use these issues to keep the public fooled.

Focus on stupid shit like this and keep them distracted from the real issues.

I wish I had a moronic youtube video to post instead of these words, I apologize.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans

The political noise you refer to is ever present, but tends to ramp up dramatically election year.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
I am so sick of the 2 main social issues that are being bandied about in the primaries.

1. Abortion / birth control
2. Gay marriage.

I was raised Catholic; I am a Christian - I am not overly devout; I do not attend church regularly but I live my life by a moral code.

My point is this.

The US has the largest debt in the history of civilization. EVER. Yet the topics that are being highlighted are social issues.

Let God sort it out - what I mean - if you have an abortion or use birth control or are gay and God determines that it is wrong - when you meet your Creator, let him be the judge and jury.
Let's return to some fiscal sanity and perhaps some of the social issues will sort themselves out.

Why is it SOOOO important about what other adults are doing in the privacy of their own bedrooms? Am I a proponent of the gay lifestyle? No but it also is NOT my lifestyle - who cares?

Anyway - just my cents this morning.



Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Liberalism is a mental disorder
Gee Ray, what an original thought... :rolleyes:



Shawn is exactly right. Both parties use these "issues" and others like them to divert attention from what Congress is doing to this country.

Of course most people follow right along in lockstep arguing about things that don't matter while the debt goes up, China forecloses on us and the country goes to hell.

Except for the wackjobs at the two extremes, most people in this country are fiscally conservative and socially liberal...that is to say let people do what they like as long as they don't hurt anyone else.

Why we continue to be locked into this two party system that has proven it doesn't work is beyond me. Every four years we choose between the lesser of two evils and for the next four years we are surprised that The Obama can't lead, Bush can't do much of anything and fill in the blank for the next four years will only continue the downward spiral.

Santorum is a respectable man but, his stance on social issues is unreasonable and extreme. Romney has all the conviction and core beliefs of Bill Clinton and has trouble remembering his own positions, Gingrich probably would bring some good ideas to the WH and may even build some consensus but, who knows if he can stay coherent for four years and, finally, the country cannot survive another four years of The Obama.

Don't fall for these two the Liberatarin candidate or wait to see who runs as a third party. Also...we have to get term limits or we are in for another 16 years of Reid, Pelosi, McCain, etc.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
I agree that most are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. My Dad sums it up as a 'Rockefeller Republican' which he is. Problem is most conservatives today make people like Nixon and Bush's father look like liberals. As for this country not surviving another 4 years of Obama. No matter who is elected this country will survive period and will still be around and strong long after I am dead regardless of the debbie downers.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Shawn is exactly right. Both parties use these "issues" and others like them to divert attention from what Congress is doing to this country.

Of course most people follow right along in lockstep arguing about things that don't matter while the debt goes up, China forecloses on us and the country goes to hell.

Except for the wackjobs at the two extremes, most people in this country are fiscally conservative and socially liberal...that is to say let people do what they like as long as they don't hurt anyone else.

Why we continue to be locked into this two party system that has proven it doesn't work is beyond me. Every four years we choose between the lesser of two evils and for the next four years we are surprised that The Obama can't lead, Bush can't do much of anything and fill in the blank for the next four years will only continue the downward spiral.

Santorum is a respectable man but, his stance on social issues is unreasonable and extreme. Romney has all the conviction and core beliefs of Bill Clinton and has trouble remembering his own positions, Gingrich probably would bring some good ideas to the WH and may even build some consensus but, who knows if he can stay coherent for four years and, finally, the country cannot survive another four years of The Obama.

Don't fall for these two the Liberatarin candidate or wait to see who runs as a third party. Also...we have to get term limits or we are in for another 16 years of Reid, Pelosi, McCain, etc.
On the whole, a very good post, Bob. :0074


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
Thanks for all the input, guys.

I disagree a bit with JT, though. This country can not survive, as is, with continued annual deficits of over $1T. It is untenable and can not continue.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Shawn is exactly right. Both parties use these "issues" and others like them to divert attention from what Congress is doing to this country.

Of course most people follow right along in lockstep arguing about things that don't matter while the debt goes up, China forecloses on us and the country goes to hell.

Except for the wackjobs at the two extremes, most people in this country are fiscally conservative and socially liberal...that is to say let people do what they like as long as they don't hurt anyone else.

Why we continue to be locked into this two party system that has proven it doesn't work is beyond me. Every four years we choose between the lesser of two evils and for the next four years we are surprised that The Obama can't lead, Bush can't do much of anything and fill in the blank for the next four years will only continue the downward spiral.

Santorum is a respectable man but, his stance on social issues is unreasonable and extreme. Romney has all the conviction and core beliefs of Bill Clinton and has trouble remembering his own positions, Gingrich probably would bring some good ideas to the WH and may even build some consensus but, who knows if he can stay coherent for four years and, finally, the country cannot survive another four years of The Obama.

Don't fall for these two the Liberatarin candidate or wait to see who runs as a third party. Also...we have to get term limits or we are in for another 16 years of Reid, Pelosi, McCain, etc.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I find Bob's position kind of confusing. First he agrees with Shawns position that congress is ruining the country. then he goes on to say tghe country cannot stand another 4 years of the Obama. Is it Obama or Congress?
If it's Congress what chance does any President have?


Stevie...I figured I would have to dumb it down for you....the problem is lack of leadership.

Both parties contribute to it, vote for the third party candidate and support term limits. Third party addresses the presidency...term limits will clean up Congress.

If Congressmen are not so concerned with being a lifer, they will make tougher, better decisions.

JT the problem with the situation today is that anytime they want to China can call in their debts and the US will just about be screwed. No wars, no bombs, no warning...the economy will crash.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I am fiscal conservative socially liberal/moderate...

Only issue I have is gay marriage...let's legalize marijuana and tax the shit out of it :0074


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
JT the problem with the situation today is that anytime they want to China can call in their debts and the US will just about be screwed. No wars, no bombs, no warning...the economy will crash.
And why exactly would China do that??? Their economy is inextricably linked to ours. We're their best customer and we pump $Billions into their economy every year.

Gloom & Doomers said the vary same thing about Japan in the 80's & early 90's.


They won't do it until they have a reason to do it...the point is they can. The decision and our economy is in their hands.

When has it ever been the case in US history that our country was so vulnerable?

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Stevie...I figured I would have to dumb it down for you....the problem is lack of leadership.

Both parties contribute to it, vote for the third party candidate and support term limits. Third party addresses the presidency...term limits will clean up Congress.

If Congressmen are not so concerned with being a lifer, they will make tougher, better decisions.

JT the problem with the situation today is that anytime they want to China can call in their debts and the US will just about be screwed. No wars, no bombs, no warning...the economy will crash.

Term limits mean nothing. They just go work for the lobbyist who bought them when they worked in Congress. Stop with the china calling in the debt for goodness sakes. It will never happen. Some of u guys fall for anything.
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