My final playoff numbers and my 'We finally won a ring' shout out!

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Vegas res
Forum Member
Dec 1, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Please read my write-up below and feel free to open comments so we can get a discussion going!


My final playoff betting stats:

50-41 +$1,833

I had a very successful post season and I thank all of those who tailed and wished me well during the run! :toast:

I am going to post what I posted on facebook following our title win. There are a few things that you should know before reading my rant/shout out. The first thing is that I am a huge Laker hater. I am from So Cal but I despise all of our home teams. Why? Because So Cal leads the way in bandwagon sports fans. I was born in Nor Cal and raised in So Cal but I was raised a Phins/Heat/Marlins fan because of my pops' Miami roots. I am a true sports fan and I appreciate a well fought game in almost any sport.

Keep in mind that what you read below was a post that I made directed to all of my so-called "Laker fan friends".

Alright, here we go:

If you are a true basketball fan and not a fair-weather Laker fan, please read this and leave comments open for discussion:

This is going to be a long rant/shout out so bear with me and read the entire thing!

First things first, LeBron averaged 30/10/6 during the playoffs and he clinched the trophy tonight with a triple-double!!

Without a doubt, every one of my friends knows that I am a Kobe and a Lakers' hater. I am a Kobe hater for three reasons: 1) I despise the Lakers. 2) I dislike fair-weather Laker fans that claim they love hoops but they honestly couldn't name three bench players after naming the starting five. (Hell, most Laker fans can't even name the starting five). 3) I dislike all the naive people that claim that Kobe is the best player on the planet. It's just not true. Does Kobe have more Championships? Yes. But tell me how Kobe having five rings makes him a better player than LeBron. Kobe is definitely a more experienced champion but to say he is the best player in basketball is fucking blasphemy.

I fully understand that a true champion is measured by whether or not that player has won a ring. In many players' instances throughout history those players have won more than one ring. But, even before tonight when LeBron was still ring-less, he was horse lengths ahead of Kobe Bryant as far as being the 'best player in basketball' goes. Kobe is a GREAT player. However, he is a great player at one position and that is at the guard position. When I say at the guard position, I mean both at the 1 and the 2 (that's the PG and the SG for those with low hoops IQ). LeBron can play EVERY position on the floor. I will honestly admit that he won't play the 5 position though because the 5 is far too stationary for Bron. Bron is an absolute beast and as long as the position requires that he move all over the place he will play that position better than any other player in the league. Granted all of this will be attributed to his undeniable height and size advantage over Kobe but I've heard far too many people continually state that he is not the best player on the planet.

LeBron was in beast mode throughout the entire playoffs but he was super special in the Finals. Nobody gave Bron and the Heat a chance to get by the faster, younger and "hungrier" OKC team. I, along with 4% of the rest of the country (LeBron fans), had absolute faith that this was our year. LeBron showed so much poise and unselfishness during this post season. He was a freak of nature during the Finals but this truly was a team effort and every one contributed towards the victory and they each earned that trophy. As I stated above, Bron averaged 30/10/6 during the playoffs. That's silly good!

I truly wish to get this point across: despite the fact that you hate LeBron, give credit when credit is due! It is ridiculous that so many haters refuse to publicly commend all of the great performances that he has throughout an entire season and especially the playoffs. I said 'publicly' because deep down I know that you're telling yourself, "fuck, that was another baller performance by LeBron!" I hate Kobe Bryant just as much as you hate LeBron but every time that I denounce Kobe when he plays poorly I always make up for it and commend him when he has great performances. Why? Because I'm a true basketball lover and fan! You are not a true fan if you can't acknowledge great performances in hoops. That's what keeps the sport alive!

I have been supporting and defending Bron Bron as the best player in basketball for eight years now (not nine because he wasn't the best basketball player when he came into the league as a rookie). I don't make the money that he makes nor will I get to taste the sweet emotion of victory that he will when he slides that Championship ring onto his finger but fucking-A I can guarantee you that this Championship victory feels just as good to me as it does to him!

So ask yourself a question (mostly fair-weather Lakers' fans that claim they're basketball fans): "Do I support the Lakers because I love them with all of my heart or do I support the Lakers because they're winners and their jerseys are pretty with all that purple and gold?" It's easy to be support a team when they win more than they lose but are you a true die-hard Lakeshow lover? And it's easy to love a team or a player but do you love basketball? I want you to ask yourself those questions and answer truthfully because there's one thing that I know...I LOVE LeBron James AND I LOVE BASKETBALL! That is all.

I forgot to add: People think that the East is soft? We mowed through the same Thunder team that took down the Mavs, the Lakers and the Spurs! The West all of a sudden doesn't look too tough, does it?

Keep in mind that the Heat is the ONLY team in the playoffs that contained OKC! The Mavs couldn't do it, the Lakers couldn't do it, and the Spurs couldn't do it! Only the Heat could!

On a side note: I can't wait to watch Skip Bayless tomorrow on ESPN! He is a well known LeBron hater and he will find something to bitch about. He truly is a little bitch that knows nothing about hoops.

I hope you enjoyed reading my rant and to the haters (Jedi Survivor): cry me a river. :0074


Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
Jun 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
Great playoff run :toast: :toast:

All the Lebron and Heat hating is flat out embarrassing, in my opinion.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2009
How old are you, dude?

How old are you, dude?

Was this the first bet you've ever won? Act like you've been there before!!
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Vegas res
Forum Member
Dec 1, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Was this the first bet you've ever won? Act like you've been there before!!
I've been winning for multiple seasons. My betting season isn't the topic of the thread. The topic is regarding the amount of disrespect that LeBron receives from people around the world.

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Hats off to LeBron..

Hats off to LeBron..

Long suffering Cleveland O sports fan here.

Last championship I remember is 1964 Browns as underdogs beating Unitas for Championship (pre-merger)

Jimmy Brown sought Hollywood and Blonds, the rest is history.

Brian Sipes and the Original Kardiac Kids..Brian leaves for Trumps "Generals"..

Kosar, the Fumble, The Drive, The Move.

The Indians, 1948 before my time.
Remember attending crap games where the 85,000 seat Muni Stadium had an announced paid attendance of 697.
The Yankees coming to town with Mantle was the only team that really filled seats.

Had our chances in the mid 90's...Albert Belle "did you really try to run down those trick or treaters with your SUV?"
Thome, Sabathia, gosh, we were loaded...thanks Manny for getting picked off first in the WS, set the tone. NO DICE, wasn't to be.

Along comes LeBron, remember those Hi school games of his greatness to be, on ESPN...he was born for championships.
Thank you Stern for the "marked" envelope needed to save that floundering franchise...

Sorry LeBron, we could not supply a good supporting cast....

I held no scorn until your "Decision" event and the following circus. Rooted mightily for Dallas, as Cuban's bunch deserved it.

My heart was with OKC, but they are youngsters with a good future...your meddle was tested and you overcame. Acceptance of victory with humility and dignity, a true champion was crowned.

Congrats LeBron....I see more rings.

Oh Cleveland? I hear the Chinese are buying Toledo, maybe they will want an upgrade in a few years? perhaps they become sports crazy?
They certainly have our Walmart money to spend.