my opinion for what it's worth

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grey beard

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 20, 2003
Leesburg Va
Good news about our country is it can survive the worst of although this is the biggest election of them all, I will still be able to sleep at night knowing the strength of our constitution.

That being said, think that John Kerry is the lesser of two evils. W Bush really is a pupet of his inner circle...a group who calculating went to war in Iraq to "retaliate" for 9/11...their thinking was we're going to retaliate with a democracy in the midst of the royalty that rules all nations around it.....the fact there is no WMD nor really any connection to Al Kaida is no problem, the spin can be controlled to the point where challenging IRAQ policy is a challenge on patriotism...this tactic works for a good chunk of the US Citizenry....but I have to think a greater chunk sees right through this manipulation that has taken place. It's also obvious that Bush has not real plans to get us out of Iraq....amazing how a guy gets elected by trashing "nation building" but is more guilty of this than any president in history....lKerry at least isn't tied to failed war and reduce the number of unncessary fatalities than what Bush would do....setting up a pupet democracy to somehow convince nations around Iraq is wishful thinking and actually conterproductive...those nations hate us more than ever and the incentive to kill us even greater....the best thing we could do is get the hell out of there...protect our security as best as possible and find other means of oil....envoking our values on a nation that doesn't want it really is more like Hitler and Stalin than it is being an Americian.....

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
very good write up, Bush has basically taken us on a wild goose chase to Iraq where there were no WMD's and there was no terror links to 9/11 or any other terrorist act committed against the US. It must of been hard to kill or capture Bin Laden as we all know a middle aged man dragging a kidney dialysis machine around the mountains is a swift target that would be next to impossible to capture whereas a man that has been boxed in for the past ten years with very limited contact to the rest of the world is more of a threat. I have yet to here anyone in the administration come clean and say our terror problems are with Saudi Arabia, this is where are killers are from and this is where the murderers get their funding, but I guess that would be hard to do when you have business dealings between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens.