My opinion...have fun today.

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
My opinion, FWIW.

Personally not wagering on this game, going to a party at the bar and not going to worry about things. I have a lot of pool action with some great numbers, so hoping to cash in with a couple squares - pretty much just rooting for a normal kind of game with no missed PATs or no safeties to mess up the expected numbers. Of course, I may be looking for any overly drunk Cardinal fans before the game to get something going with...Here is what I typed to AR182 in response to his under wager, which I agree with:

I agree with your take on the under - I think the Cardinals and Fitgerald has many people thinking there will be points, but I think the number is too high. I fully expect the Cards to come out winging it with quick strike attempts, but I think the Steelers will approach the game much like the Vikings did and were able to do, controlling the front and pressuring Warner with the line and linebacker stunts, allowing one safety and the backs to focus on the Cardinal receivers and not let them roam free. I don't think the Cardinals will be able to run much at all, and this will turn them one dimensional, which is always dangerous against a tough opportunistic defense like the Steelers.

I would bet it Steelers up to -7 and definitely under anything 46 or up.

Good luck to everyone today.