My Rules for NFL 2002

Nick Douglas

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Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Just want to give you a little background on my handicapping history before I present these. Maybe you will think I know what I'm talking about and maybe you'll think I'm full of it. Choose for yourself. I do think I fall into the former catagory and hopefully some of these rules are things you guys might consider if you have struggled with the NFL in the past.

I have been betting the NFL since I was 14 years old with a guy from high school who took action at $5 a game. I only fooled around with it at the time, but in 1996 when I was a sophomore in college I found a campus bookie to take my action. I bet $25 per game and made money in 1996 and 1997, but I was stiffed for $150 in about week 10 of the 1997 season so I decided to go online in 1998. In 1998 I started with $250 with the goal of making $600 to pay for my wrestling pay per views for that year. I went on an incredible hot streak and found myself up a rediculous amount by about week 12 of 1998. As you may guess, I took a giant dump the rest of the way in 1998. I did, however, still turn a profit that year.

In 1999 I entered the season confident despite my poor run at the end of 1998. I started betting $25 to $50 per game. I began the season cold and never saw profit, ending the year $700 down. I thought it was a fluke so I entered the 2000 NFL season even more confident, this time having an exact bankroll of $2,700 and betting $100 per game. In November, basically right after I began posting at Mad Jack's, I hit a bad cold streak. I made much of my money back in December, but by the time the season ended I had two losing seasons in a row under my belt. In 2001 I started betting more since my bankroll was higher, this time $300 per game. I built my NFL profits as high as about $4,000 before falling off badly and ending with a profit just over $700.

So here I am with NFL 2002 about a month away and three straight disappointing seasons under my belt. I do have certain points of success to look at, but I also have an overall sense of failure in not making the kind of profits I have seen in the NBA, NHL and MLB the last two years. Because of that, I have decided to set a few rules which are different from the way I have played in the past.

In the past, I played basically entirely underdogs. I played halftime bets, some parlays, some teasers and a limited number of props. My number of bets per week usually ranged between 1 and 7. My amount for each bet was generally between $300 and $1,000. Here is what I plan to do this year. These are rules I plan to follow at the start of the year. I may change them as the year goes on to get more aggressive if I am up or more conservative if I am down.


I have never had much success with NFL totals. In fact the only sport where I have ever done respectably with totals is the NHL, and even there I am not a superstar. Parlays and Teasers are sucker bets in my opinon. Halftime bets are action bets, and the whole point of making rules is to cut down my action bets. Props are something that you have to really work at and play consistently to make a profit, and I feel my time would be better spent concentrating on more traditional handicapping.


This may sound a bit odd. The idea that you would set an exact number of plays rather than just playing whatever games you feel have legit value is kind of counterproductive on the surface. My justification is that I am trying to build some discipline. Five games will force me to more closely evaluate what I play on weeks when I see more than five good plays and possibly help me find borderline plays with true value on weeks when I see less than five worthy plays. I got the idea from Never Caught Up, who used this strategy when entered in the Mad Jack's football contest last year. I don't think I will be entering any contests this year, but when I used the same strategy last year it left me with some very good results.


Last year the point where my season turned sour can be exactly traced to the day I loaded up and bet $1,000 on Miami to beat New England in Foxboro. I would love to tell you guys that I have certain special plays that hit at a higher clip than others but I can't. I use very qualitative handicapping techniques and therefore any raising or lowering of bet amounts becomes somewhat arbitrary.

Those are my rules. They are certainly boring, but hopefully the excitement of a growing bankroll will make up for whatever I miss by betting like a wildman.


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Forum Member
Oct 15, 2001

you say you use "qualitative techniques" and therefore do not think it is wise to vary the amount wagered.

qualitative versus quantative, quantative meaning number based, math guided.

qualitative having more to do with intuition, feeling, quality.

not that either system can produce winners, but it seems odd to follow a rigid straight bet method with an irrational, intuitive qualitative approach.

qualitative techniques? can those be espoused?


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Forum Member
Jul 2, 2001
Nick I could not agree more with your rules- I play college foots a little more than pro but I plan on setting my number of games at 8-9-10 ( have not decided yet) for both college and football maybe 5 plays for each at the most- Thanks for sharing this thread it reinforced my thoughts and ideas.


Forum Member
Nick, Thanx for the insight on your background. I'm still on my learning curve and my start was pure Beginner's Luck. I knew enough to not give it all back in the long run and am looking forward to the Free Pick's section this fall.
I appreciate your input as well as thie site. GL2U...;)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 11, 2002

Nice post.

I've been really profitable the last two years in College and Pro Foots.

My success began when I limited myself to 5 plays max in college and 3 plays max in Pro per week.

I might change the Pro plays this year because I laid off of some plays last year that cashed and would have made my year fantastic.


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Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Thanks for the insights. One change you might want to consider. I can see using a limit of 5 plays per week, however I would not force myself to find 5 plays if they're are simply not there. Those borederline plays you speak of may be just that, borderline and not hold any true value at all.

Thanks for all your hard work and best of luck to you.

Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Quantitative simply means a definite system, usually computer generated, that spits out power ratings or something like that for plays. For example, if your power ratings have at least a two point difference from the spread, you make that play. That is what I mean by quantitative.

I have never been successful using power ratings or generated numbers. I rely more on matchups, gameplans, injuries, local media reports and, of course, stats from recent games. There is no definite system that makes one game a play and another game a pass. I make plays using all of that more on feel so I call in qualitative.

I should also add that I generally decide who I am going to play before ever looking at a line. I have been gambling for over a decade (I know that is not a long time for many in this forum, but it is long enough) and I think I have a good idea of what lines will look like. I have found that looking at lines before I make my plays often results in me making foolish plays based on lines looking "off" from what I think they should be.

As far as playing exactly 5 games rather than a maximum of 5, that is always an interesting topic.

I have heard countless gamblers say they are going to limit the maximum number of plays for a day or week, but rarely the minimum number of plays. Why? Is it that people think that not a single side is worth playing the entire week?

I have another question along the same lines. How often do you see a "great card" and it ends up not living up to expectations? How often do you see a "bad card" and you end up making a profit anyway? My point is that I feel that 85 NFL plays for an NFL season is a pretty good number. Some weeks maybe I will play more or less than I would had I not set that number. Only time will tell if playing 5 games turns out to be a wise move on weeks where I would have played 2, 3 or 4 games.

I guess my point is that if you are going to set maximums, why not set minimums. If you are a good enough NFL handicapper (and obviously I don't think I'm there yet) then you shouldn't have to set any limit at all. You would have the discipline to make money and not get killed chasing. If you don't have that discipline and you have to set maximum limits for yourself, why not set minimum limits as well? Just a thought. GL, all.

GL to you all this season.
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