On my website you can find all you want to know. I've handicapped plays for 5 years now and have been successful. Some of you have probably already heard about me because of some clients of mine posting here. I'm telling you now that I charge for plays. The one thing I take pride in most is that no clients this year that has signed up for a package has told me to give them their money back. The reason is because I've had a good run this year. I'm not going to lie and say that I have 150 clients because I don't, but I do have 26 loyal clients who although get down on a week, they still respect me because I say it like it is. I like to know and hear from my clients and I answer all emails which some don't do. Like I told one of my clients; I can be the nicest guy, but if I don't win, people won't play my starlocks. Luckily, I've been fortunate to have a nice run. I've gone 29-14-1 +82 units in NFL & College Football regular season. 12-8 +40 during the bowl season. Every single pick is shown on the site so there's no way around it. I have an NFL Playoff Package up at the site. You can purchase individual plays or the whole thing. I am also starting basketball this week. I always start at this time because I want to concentrate on football first.Even if you don't like me I recommend looking at my site. It's not the best-looking one out there, but it has all of the info you'd want. I want you to follow me because like I've said; If you win they will come. I know some will bash me for posting this, but if you got to know me, you would know that although money is good, winning for someone is better. That's why I've given good deals to my clients such as free weeks, discounted packages, and info of breaking news on a mess-up line that the sportsbook hasn't fixed. My email is xxxxxxxx.com. The website is http://xxxxxxxx and you can chat with me on MSN tonight under this email address. Thanks
jack edited out the link and email addy. get lost, kid.
jack edited out the link and email addy. get lost, kid.