my wifes cat

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Forum Member
Jan 8, 2002
pittsburgh pa
I hate my wifes cat.

The other day I decided I was goint to get rid of it. I put it in the car and drove about 20 blocks away and let it out. When I got home there was the cat walking up the driveway.

The next day I tried again. This time I drove 40 blocks away and let it out. When I got home, you guessed it, there was the cat walking up the driveway.

Getting frustrated I gave it another try. This time I drove 60 blocks, made a left turn, drove some more , went over a bridge, drove some more made a couple of more turns and then I let the cat out.

After a few hours went by I called the house " Hon is the cat home?"

"Yes it is, why do you ask?"

Put the sonuvabitch on the phone, I'm lost and need directions. :D
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
This is kind of a cruel story but I will relate it as it relates to getting rid of a cat.

A co-worker years ago told me this story about a neighbors cat.

The next door neighbors cat kept coming into his backyard and getting into their garbage cans. This went on for awhile and he got tired of picking up the trash from the cat all time.

So he decided to take the cat out. He got a .22 rifle and waited for the cat to show up at his garbage cans. When the cat appeared and started after the garbage he shot and killed it. He took the cat and buried it. Then he forgot about it. He felt justified as the cat was on his property.

About two days later the two little girls from next door showed up at his door crying and asked him if he had seen their cat muffy.

He acted like he thought that was funny.

It was all I could do not to punch this guy in the face after he told me that story.

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