NASCAR - The Sirius Satellite Radio 400 at MICHIGAN

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Mar 2, 2002
One really early play for Michigan this week. It looks like it's high time to match up the 48 car with the likes of Marlin, Gordon and others running up front almost every week. Not Newman.

Rookies are not suposed to run Pocono like Johnson did yesterday. It's going to take the demon under Rudd's car to move over to 48 for this team to slow down. I'm in shock at how dominating this team is.

By the way, California is basically a clone of Michigan if that means anything. ;)

48 Johnson ov 12 Newman -140 4 units

Through POCONO:
Winston Cup/Week: 1-7 +6 units
Busch Series/Week: 0-2 -3 units
Overall Year: 5-51 +54 units
Winston Cup/Week: 3-0 +11 units
Year: 29-23 +22.62 units

Total for the week: +14 units
Yearly Combined: +76.62 units


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Nov 4, 2000
The ones that like fast will do well this week. 8,15,20,24,40,48. If I go with any Ford. I stick with the 88. Like I said two weeks back. This guy was ready for some top 5's. I think that 88 will be top 5 this week too. The 17 will be back this week to. Only thing stopping the 24 from winning is him self. Those little screw ups hes making won't last forever.


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Mar 2, 2002
DJV.....agreed on all your points. However, if Gordon's "scew ups" won't last, will Rudd's? I know it sounds like I'm simply chasing this 28 team, but I don't remember the last time a car has run so many straight races UP front without getting a win.

There are a couple of local matchups I'm considering....what do you all think?

40 ov 88 Even
9 ov 12 -120
77 ov 29 -120

Again, I'm not "hung up" on 28. But believe me, IF, and that's a huge IF he finally doesn't have the horrid luck he's had, he will win this race.

FWIW.....Let me know what you guys think of those matchups.
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Apr 23, 2002


Are any of those offshore mu's?

slight value on first two
mortgage house on third


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Apr 23, 2002
WSEX 2002 Winston Cup Championship Interactives

WSEX 2002 Winston Cup Championship Interactives

For those interested. I have been tracking these since the beginning of the season. Sterling has been sitting at a $30 ask price for the last few weeks. Jeff Gordon has been climbing in price pretty much since Martinsville and has finally caught Sterling in the eyes of bettors if not in the actual point standings.

Stewart dropped from $17 to $14 after his lackluster Pocono performance. Junior has dropped out of sight down to $2 (don't worry, the Daytona night race is just around the corner to give him a little boost). Rusty has been locked in at $8 for what seems like forever. Mark Martin has bounced back and forth and Rudd has slowly climbed out of a hole to be at $7 now.

All of the odds are pretty much on the money as far as I'm concerned except for one. Matt Kenseth has dropped to a $4 ask price. This is equivalent to 24-1 odds. A steal in my opinion. His driving so far this year has been incredible. Without a couple of mechanical problems he would still be second in the points and as it is with 22 more races left in the season there is plenty of time left.

All it is going to take to completely shake the market up is for Sterling to have one off week then the Championship will be up for grabs. Of course that is what most traders would love to see since volatility is where the profits can be made.


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Nov 4, 2000
Huck the reason im watching 28 only. He seems to be just way over snake bitten. I have to see him get out of it first then I can take another look. It's just like sports teams. Some times they need one to get them going. your 40 over 88 is tough one. they both can easly be top 5. That leaves you only a couple place to cover the play. Now if we go by the 88 won last week and a top 5 might be tough to get this week. That and the 40 is ready for a real good run and has to stop trying to just protect his points lead. Well then it looks good. Harvick is haveing a jinx year. The 77 has been playing it smart. That looks like nice play. Im staying away from 12. If he does everything right he is dam good. But that heavy foot is eating those engines up.
I say Marlin has to kick it in the butt. With J Gordon as good as he is on road courses. With two of those to run. J Gordon could eat 100 or more points out of Marlin in just those two races. Just a early thought. And you know J Gordon will run good at Indy.
Grinin that's interesting info had not seen that. I beleive there looking ahead as I said above to those road races and Indy. At least it makes some sence. J Gordon is in the hunt.
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Mar 2, 2002
Race 15 out of 36
at Michigan International Speedway - 2 mile D-Shaped Oval - 200 laps for 400 miles

This Week's Schedule: (All times Eastern)
Friday, June 14th
11:20 a.m. Winston Cup 1st Practice
3:05 p.m. Winston Cup Bud Pole Qualifying

Saturday, June 15th
9:30 a.m. Winston Cup 2nd Practice
11:15 a.m. Winston Cup Happy Hour Practice

Sunday, June 16th
1 p.m. Start of The Sirius Satellite Radio 400

Coming off a tough race at Pocono last week, where the best car once again did not win it. As most fans know, California Speedway was built to resemble Michigan, with only a few degrees of banking separating them. Therefore, it should make handicapping this week's race pretty simple. The one problem however, is the fact that all the contenders are very low this week, making a win set of drivers more complicated. I have wagered on 2 drivers so far, as I can only see their odds dropping after qualifying.

The early drivers to watch:
2 R. Wallace -
Rusty was decent last week, but as this year has gone for him and the team, he really was not in contention for the
win. He's a no bet until I can see him challenging for wins.
6 M. Martin -
Another Top 5 for Martin. He really seems rejuvenated this year and the team is clicking on (pardon this) all
cylinders. This car will contend for the win this week and will be tough to leave out. 10-1 is just not enough right now though.
8 D. Earnhardt, Jr. -
It looked like this team was ready to contend last week as they made their charge to the top 5 really early in the
race. But as 2002 has gone for them, they were simply only good enough to get a 12th place finish. Another guy
that is not really worth a bet until he starts leading more laps. This is a track that should suit him very well though.
9 B. Elliott -
Here is my first pre-qualifying wager. This team is ready to win a race very soon, and there is no better place han Michigan for that to happen. They should qualify in the top 10, so 25-1 is a no-brainer. Look for Elliott to be in the top 5 most of this race contending for the victory.
12 R. Newman -
Same 'ol for this team. Led 19 laps and had a huge lead before the expected happened again....I really think they can win a race in this series this year, but with all the mechanical problems still plaguing this team, it makes it tough to bet them at anything under 30-1. However, with the right matchup, you have to take a good look at the 12 this week.
17 M. Kenseth -
Two straight horrible finishes have taken Kenseth out of what was a great chance to win a Winston Cup Championship.
Do not, under any circumstances, count this team out. Without problems, look for the 17 to contend for this win. If the price is right, he will easily be included. It's going to take 15-1 or better however.
18 B. Labonte -
Even Pocono could not cure this team's ills. A busted transmission very early in the race took them out of any contention, and it doesn't look like they will be turning around this season any time soon. Unbettable IMO.
20 T. Stewart -
Now that the Pontiacs got an aero concession, maybe this team can run up front a lot more at speedways such as Michigan. This team is good enough to contend for the Cup, and have won at Michigan before, so let's keep an eye on them.
24 J. Gordon -
COPY AND PASTE......Is this the week? Is it? Okay...let me play the recording: "Gordon and his team are too good not to win a race soon. He's had great success at (insert track here), so don't be surprised to finally see him in victory lane again."
28 R. Rudd -
I don't think I've seen a car this good running up front constantly not win a race. Rudd came from dead last to lead the MOST LAPS in last week's race, and had more misery become him and his team. For this team's sake, I will not play them to win, even though I'm sure they will contend once again.
32 R. Craven -
Going to take a hard look at this up and coming team this week. Craven has qualified very well this year which is a concern, but I would be more inclined to include him if I can get around 30-1. He will be part of matchup wagering though. Should be in the top 10.
40 S. Marlin -
Sterling finally had a race that is indicative of the Winston Cup points leader. He didn't have a great car by any means, but pit strategy gave him a much needed top 5. The 40 won the last race run at Michigan last year, and should be there for this one as well. Once again though, odds will determine whether he's worth it.
48 J. Johnson -
AGAIN! They are simply dialed in like no other team right now. With Michigan being so similar to California, the 48 should be there again contending for their amazing 3rd win this year. Gotta hope he blows up in qualifying to get any sort of value though.
77 D. Blaney -
Here is a driver that performed just as expected last week, and gave me an easy win over Jeff Green. Much like Pocono, Blaney (with the 93 team) and the 77 team have had great finishes here, so I will look to include him again in matchups.
88 D. Jarrett -
Well, 88 gave me a win last week which was nice considering his teammate's issues. It looks like they have indeed "turned the corner" with their chassis issues and look to be back contending for top 5's. 88 loves this track as it gave him his first win in this series. Hard to leave him out, but as usual, the odds have to be right, and right now they are not.
97 K. Busch -
Here is my second pre-qualifying wager at 22-1. He ran great at California and should have the setup to contend for the win this week if he doesn't drive his 97 car into the wall like he did last week. Roush has always gotten great gas mileage, and this is the track where this could be a determining factor.
99 J. Burton -
Same thing holds true for me and this team. I simply cannot figure out when they have a good run in them. I will not include the 99 in my driver win set, but being a Roush car at Michigan, I will not be surprised if he runs up front most of the day.

Including the 9 and 97, I will look to play the 6, 48 and one or two others depending on the price. I will be leaving out the usual group of drivers (including the 28) that can easily take the checkers, but with the odds the way they look now, that's the only play to make.

Any input and opinions?


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Forum Member
Mar 2, 2002
Adding one more driver before qualifying. This is the best price by far that I have seen and is worth the play.

9 B. Elliott +2500 0.7 units
97 K. Busch +2200 0.8 units
32 R. Craven +3500 0.5 units


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Mar 2, 2002
Oh by the way, those are only local matchups unfortunately. I really agree with your assessment of the 77 ov 29 matchup. In fact, I'm going to make that my second matchup play in case 77 pulls a lap off in qualifying. If not, and a better price pops up, then I'll play it again.
I don't see any edge in the other two before qualifying, so I'll wait on those.

77 Blaney ov 29 Harvick -120 3 units
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Dr. Doom

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Jul 11, 2000

Where are you finding that matchup of 77 v 29?

What books do you like to use for your Nascar plays?


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Mar 2, 2002
Dr......that matchup is local here in NV, and the absolute best shops for Nascar IMO are, 5dimes, Pinnacle, Olympic, WIT, and Carib. There are others, but those are the main ones, as some are great for variety and some for value.

Dr. Doom

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Jul 11, 2000
Thanks for the help. Where in NV is the matchup? I'll be there this weekend. :cool:
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Mar 2, 2002
Good timing Dr. D......
You'll be able to find that one at any Station Casino property.
However, gonna need 29 to get a nice starting spot for that number to still be there. 77 was fast this morning, but it looks like everyone is really picking up a ton of time, so hopefully Harvick can get a top 10 starting spot


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Mar 2, 2002
Here's an update on that.......forget about the 29. He was horrible so it will be up to Blaney to throw up a really bad lap.


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Mar 2, 2002
Decent qualifying session....

Decent qualifying session....

The drivers bet before Q to win was the right thing to do it looks like. Elliott starts 4th, Craven 8th, and Busch 12th. :)

And, 77 stunk it up and is starting 23rd, while 29 starts 19th. Should get a good price on it Dr. D.


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Nov 4, 2000
Huck I was watching when 77 did his glfing. They said his car was better then that, but the track had slowed. I believe that. The last 10/12 cars if im right all were 20 or back. Some of those were good cars like J Gordon, Marlin. 77 was one of those last 10.
And the 88 is running good now. But for some reason I just don't think he will win. GL folks. And thanks to everyone who places there thoughts here. It Helps us all form opinions.


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Mar 2, 2002
Sorry guys for no follow-up post. Had some issues last night/this morning.

Hopefully my pre-qualifying stuff holds up!

Have a great Father's Day everyone!


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Nov 4, 2000
Well Huck due to my fastpitch tourney I never got to add to the 77 over the 29. I did play the 24, 17 and 88 to win so came out a little ahead there. The best thing that happen to me was I had a great fathers days. That and my 14 and under girls fast pitch team won all six games and the tourney. Next weekend will come fast.
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