NBA is Fixed$$$


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2001
The league is fixed (period) If three series get swept that is major money. one doesnt, two doesnt, three doesnt...

Wow, the sixers, kings, and mavericks all collapse in the 3rd quarter to get blown out.

For whatever it is worth, this league and its refs are a joke. Might as well and sit back and watch the lake win, cuz thats what they want.



Forum Member
Nov 5, 2001


i'm not the one

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Jan 17, 2002
toledo, OH
ohhh ya if it took ya this long to figure out the league is fixed i feel sorry for ya...:)

like vegas knows how many pts to give.....come on!!!!!

vegas sets the numbers and the ref's make sure its close to those numbers!!!

u just have to deal with it and hopefully you are on the right side.
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Mar 3, 2002
I know how you feel after watching a game where the calls are made by someone who?s eye sight is worse than Ray Charles, but it's hard to imagine that the games are fixed. The hoodlums that play the games could never keep their mouths shut all these years. However I do believe that an implied message is given to the refs by the powers that be to keep the games close to a side. Whatever side the flavor of the month is at the time. The line makers are too exact for it to be all luck in their favor most of the time. It's very difficult to figure out what side they are manipulating you towards. I've worked in a bookie parlor and have seen when the public favored a side by more than $200,000. On a game. We would call the boss to ask if he wanted us to edge off some of the money, he would always have the same answer leave it be the public is wrong 90% of the time. Sure enough he was right most of the time. Three years ago he made $225,000. profit on one playoff game. The refs make most of the calls, which seem to go against the public betters. Do I know for sure the games are fixed? No!! But if it looks like sh*t and it smells like Sh*t what else can we call it?? I assure you we will never get the evidence to prove our case. When we bet It's always nothing more than a guess. I can cap a game for three hours putting my numbers together but in the end of the game the refs can make me look as dumb as dirt with the final score they fabricated goes in their favor. Am I positive about all this? No, only fools are positive. But I have one question here, how does a football ref who works only part time for the year afford a big house in Scarsdale NY on a part time salary??? Last year I paid in taxes what he makes in total for the year. On the books that is. And I can't afford to live where he lives. How do we explain that???....


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Nov 14, 2001
Gambling Town, USA
The refs have their favorites and there's no question in that, but the games are not fixed. 3rd or 4th quarter collapses are a part of the game. No lead is safe in the NBA and players are only human. Teams tend to get relaxed and comfortable with their leads and forget they need to finish these games. When it comes to the zebras I just learned to live with them. In the end you just hope that your on the right side more than the wrong.

Good Luck


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2001
Thanks for the input...

I am a conspiracy theorist by nature. However, i also know that things are only fixed if you are on the wrong side. when is the last time you were on the right side and said i shouldnt have won because the game is fixed.

My point is, is that situations create themselve of which the refs know which team they must protect. Also, their are situtations which arise for players and coaches realize that it is not life or death if they have to play another game. no, i am not saying that stern or one of his flunkies calls larry brown and says the fix is on, i am saying that teams realize that it it nopt a bad thing if they lose.

i am taking a close look at a new system which incorporates my hypothisis into playoff plays. We wil see...


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Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
just curious?

just curious?

is it only the refs or players or coaches, who's involved, how deeply? hal holbrook needs to know ...

competitors will give their all whether they are getting a 10 mill a year or playing pick up .. dogs will be dogs no matter what stakes involved ... players cant possibly be paid (bought off) more than their contracts ... and if attendance eventually goes down, which it is, the players will get less money (MAYBE) that would be their only motivation but it would be way down the line thinking, out of box for most of these guys...

i have watched 10K games in my life and dont believe refs or leagues control runs or draughts, streaks happen in grade school to NBA games, its just the nature of the game ...

now what happened in LA that OT game was atrocious, but if you watch the tape, the 3 worst calls IMO came from same ref, hes prob just horrible, I dunno ... but all that cheating done, Minny still won ... Game 4 they are up 10 late in 3rd and cant win ...

betting will drive you crazy, I had lost so many ridic games this year I had to retire several times, then Nick tosses in 1/2 shot to cover my 1/2 bet and you go, "well, sometimes you get lucky too"

gl, gregg

i'm not the one

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Forum Member
Jan 17, 2002
toledo, OH
when i believe a game is fixed, whether i win it or lose it, u better believe i will point out why i thought it was fixed. i really didn't think tonights game between the sixers and hornets was fixed. there were some bias calls both way, but i seen overall the refs just let the players play and 76ers were the more aggressive team.

i think its fun to find plays or runs that look fixed, or meaningless fouls to cover spreads in the end..........however you look at it, whether you belive it's fixed or not, we have strokes trying to win games, why not have some fun in the process.
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Mar 18, 2003
Long Island, New York
This is a subject that I am contiously debating every single night. These sports period HAVE to be fixed. There is no possible way vegas or "Gambling" would be in existance. Think of all the world series games, or superbowls or any sports event where a Team should of won. It just has to be fixed, how many times in a baseball game did you the commentator say "So and So hasn't hit a Home run in 14 at bats one here would tie the game up" Not even 2 seconds after he says it "This ones hit deep to left field way out IT'S OUTTA HERE Tie ball game bottom of the ninth inning." Sound familiar? Baseball is fixed, NBA is fixed, it's all fixed. The unfortunates do occasionaly happen, but the outcome i'd say 7-10 are fixed. Notice in NBA when they take the Free throws, watch very closley at how they shoot. The one that misses was shot as if they didn't care. Why hasn't anyoe come forward? The only thing I could possibly think of is that maybe Their Contracts have some kinda of statement about it, because there is a "Gambling Contract" that players must sign which indicates that Players are not to put any Wagers on any Sports Period. They could face suspension, loss of job and or a Heavy Fine. So who knows, all I know is that it has not happened once or twice. It has happened MANY Times, and even before I got into Gambling, Capping and all the good stuff that goes with it. I believed Sports are fixed. Think of your local High Schools why is it that they can go 40-0 over the past 12 season, but a NBA professional team that's in first place and is 35-14 can't cover the spread of -6 against say "Denver Nuggets" Why can Spurs win 11 in a row i think it was, In regular season when there playoff spot is pretty much well clinched fight so hard to win all those 11 teams but now are tied with the Suns 2-2, not taking anything away from the suns just a point here. Spurs will most likely win this one however vegas knows everyones money was on the Spurs. Now Vegas has made some people in believers that the Suns can win and so if come a game 7 and the Chalk is ridiculouse on the Spurs, that you either Bet a large amount, but Vegas winds up winning anyway because of the High Chalk, or Vegas wins again because you faded the play. Whether you play ML, SL, OVER/UNDER Vegas has a trick up there sleeve for you. You may win but I can almost gurentee Vegas won more than all of us combined or they wouldn't be here.

If you go to the Casinos, say Vegas, Atlantic City, wherever you go. The Slots are computerized. Computers can easily be fixed thats easy. Card tables, the men and woman back there are professional card shufflers. They can sneak as many cards as they want into any rotation of the pile while you stare at them. Any game you play is fixed. Vegas probably has workers in Forums just like these looking out to see where the public is favoring at times. Too many things have happened in sports, casinos and stories I'v herd to say "Just bad luck, or not ment to be" There was that didn't smell right and my oponion and no one can ever convince me that all of Gambling is Fixed!

Vegas does the opposite of what the public thinks is going to happen, and when you think your a step ahead of Vegas cause your gonna go opposite. Vegas is already a step ahead of you.

sorry for the long post had to voice my oponion. :D


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002


so again I ask?

who is taking the dives, the refs, players or coaches?

you talked about FTs ..

DYK that for app. 40 years the mens ncaa avg is 67% D1

NBA is app. 72%

year in year out, thats b/c thats how many those guys can make ...

how many games get played? millions, lotsa weird things will happen ... I have coached some crazy HS games, been up 20 at half and won and lost ... scored more points in the 4th qtr. than first 3q combined .. it all happens ... only once did I feel a ref influenced a game to degree I felt we shoulda won, thats over 1000 games ...

so when the yankess lost to Diamondbacks, who took the dive, Torre? Rivera? Or did LV tell Randy to throw harder?

Why hasnt a single professional game ever been uncovered as crooked, at least to my knowledge it hasnt ...

a few VERY isolated college games have b/c the money means something to the kids--plus U have to get to the BEST players, and who are willing to risk their names, pros, etc for 10K ... when ASU shaved some games, LV caught on immediately, the lines went haywire ... dosnt it figure if a game is fixed and big mafia (whatever) $$ comes in the lines will go bonkers, why isnt this happeneing every nite

When people who actually know and follow sports lose, they may bitch about calls, or say so&so played like crap, but I have never seen Thunder, Box and One, and all the other quality people at MJs ever mention this hoax ... Crop cirlces, Area 51, sasquatch, our nation loves to ruminate on the unexplained ...

I'm not saying no game EVER hasnt been shaved, Im saying it is as rare as my brother picking up a check ... and I have seen hundreds of posts on this forum claiming games (their losses always) are fixed ...

It doesnt happen fellas, and if you believe it does, you are naive or looking for excuses ...

scotty bowman said it best: EXCUSES ARE FOR LOSERS.

gl, gregg

(ps vegas and boookies win b/c of bad $$ management, juice is just gravy ... and the reason HS go 40-0 is that their isnt a draft to even things out, some schools get all the players, nor do some team plays 5 games in 7 nites and not know what city they are in when they play a .300 squad)
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Forum Member
Mar 18, 2003
Long Island, New York

Great attitude man. A Sports Forum where you get to voice your own opinion and "EXCUSES ARE FOR LOSERS." Directed at me or not I take it personally considering some of my stuff is in your post.

I have never once posted a rant on how I lost because of a Fix. I'v posted a Loss on that one horrible 1 point loss that i'm sure all of us have suffered that is very aggrivating. Yes my opinion is Gambling is Fixed. I'm not gonna argue w/ you on whether it is or not because it is my OPINION! I Have no facts to prove it and neither do you. Just replying to your post letting you know I herd what you had to say. Far as the "Great cappers" are concerned Maybe they do think it, maybe they don't they just don't post it because complaining never changed the outcome of the score. I wasn't complaining, all I had last nite was 76ers cause of Worm and that was it on the night. What did I have to complain about?

I'll tell you two fixes I know that "most" would agree on. 2002 NBA Semi Finals. Sacramento vs Lakers, Fix? 2003 Lakers vs Timberwolves friday Night I believe? 3rd and 4th QRT. How bout when SZCERBIAK went up to block the Fast break from I forget the Laker and the ref called it a Foul and instant Replay CLEARLY showed he never even touched him or BLEW air his way for that matter. OVER 10 Bogus calls that night and even ESPN Broadcaster "What horrible calls by these refs tonight Lakers must of made some friends" This is the broadcaster saying this........ I did have T-Wolves that night and thought I was gonna lose. Anyway my opinion and hope it clears up my "LOSER" status. I'm sure most would agree with those two fixes I posted. I believe there are alot more fixes than you think.

GLta today
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Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St

If the Laker/Wolves game was fixed..How come the Wolves covered. If the fix was on..somebody lost the payoff and the bet......not a good night for the fixer. It is proven that games have been fixed...but, for the most is all on the up and up...people involved have way too much to lose if they are caught.


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Mar 18, 2003
Long Island, New York
Wilson, Point taken and understood.

Did you watch the game at all?
You don't believe the refs were "trying" to make the game go a certain way, then maybe during commercial got a repremend by maybe out of the commish that it was way obviouse and to tone it down? I mean if you watched you know what I'm talking about with the horrible calls wasn't a few it was ALOT, i mean commentary even was HYPING on it and BAD TOO, That right there says somethings up. 1 call maybe two Hell 5 for the sack of argument. There were OVER 10 BAD Calls and BAAAAAD Calls they were according to commentary not myself. Also T-wolves beat the spread that night Lakers were favored. T-Wolves did not cover. I know that's probably what you ment, but i'd figure i'd throw it in just in case.


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002


sorry you reacted so personally to Bowman's quote, I direct it at myself often times when I find myself making excuses, its a credo we should all frequently remind ourselves of--and it wasnt pointed directly at your post, it was an overview of all the posts I have read thru the years on FIXES ... I make tons of mistakes in life and try to learn from them ... You made some storng comments w/o much backup, I replied to some of them from my years of coaching, watching, reffing, gambling...

Most people on this board aren't out to attack you or anyone else, I certainly didnt intentionally "want" to make you feel badly; I dont know where I played ad hominem and ever called you out instead of addressng your points or my own views (i just went back and checked my post and I see that the quote was penned FELLAS, not in your name)

Again I aplogize but sometimes (prob being one of the elders on here) I try to lend some experience when I see it appropriate ... as Wilson echoed in my prior post, why did Minny win that game if the stars were aligned against them?

and Sac lost last year b/c at one point late in game 7 they were 11/23 from the line and Christie, Stoy, et al had golf balls stuck in their throat and shooting elbows--all that went on b4 that game, Horry's miracle etc, didnt effect that choke job ... Sac had homecourt and played like chumps ... I hate to admit that too, b/c i had Sac 3/1 to win West and root bitterly hard vs Lakers ...

anyhow, my man, GL

I always try to read facts not emotions in words, its often times hard on Internet to know in what vein the spirit is sent out ...

take care, gregg


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Forum Member
Feb 20, 2000
Massapequa Park, NY USA
Anyone that truly believes the games are fixed and CONTINUES to bet on them makes you a.....??????

If games were "fixed" it would be the books who got killed, not you.
Where do you think they bet on fixed games?



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Forum Member
Mar 18, 2003
Long Island, New York
Not a prob at all Gregg. I understand, took it personal because the TOP of your POST SUBJECT does say "DAMASTAC" That would be me, so in my eyes the entire post was directed toward me. No need to apoligize just an explanation was fine.


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