NBB Month At BetHollywood !


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Forum Member
Mar 15, 1999
April is here and that means only one thing?. Baseball is in full swing!... And we want our players, meaning you, to get out there and enjoy yourself at a ballpark near you.

Here?s how?

Wager just a minimum $100 on MLB in any week this month and you can win yourself 2 tickets of your choice to a MLB, AAA, AA, A, College, or maybe even a Pony League game if you wish.

Once you meet the easy requirements, send us an email at contestsgalore@hollywoodsportsbook.eu with your Name, CID #, with ?NBB Promo? in the subject line. Once we verify your plays, you will be officially eligible to win.

You can enter and win each week but you must email us by the following Tuesday at 5pm EST with your entry email to be eligible.

Winners are chosen completely at random. For purposes of this promo, the qualifying weeks are as follows:

April 2nd - 8th
April 9th - 15th
April 16th - 22nd
April 23rd - 29th

So place your wagers today and let Hollywood ?take you out to the ballgame!?
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