IF Tariq Owens is on the bench and not there protecting the basket?
Don't remember the other "bigs" they have, or how many they have to rotate in..
I haven't seen a cbk (or pro for that matter) team that plays TEAM Defense the entire game like I witnessed on Saturday by Tex Tech.
Hard to find the offensive "star" that's also "willing" to play defense...
defense like that is not easy, you use a LOT of energy, but coach does a great job of rotating players.
For the most part, scholarship players are recruited from HS because of their height and/or scoring abilities...
and haven't ever played that type of defense and certainly don't want to do it all game long...
save it for offense (right LeBron?).
There's fewer Kawai Leonard types that play both ends of the floor so well...
Your whole team has to commit to "Help Defense"... and Tex Tech does that every possession.. fun to see really!
No egos.. no blame.. just hustling, helping and working on defense.. man-to-man or zone.
and their zone defense flowed .. like an amoeba, the closest players moving to the most needed spot defensively and others rotating into position...
and when a shot goes up, EVERYbody blocks out EVERY time!
I'm not familiar w/all the names, but they ALL played defense as hard as they could, was amazing to watch really. And they did it w/o committing many fouls.. difficult to do.
Having a shot blocker like Owens that is such a presence with consistent 'bothering' of the shot is another rarity...
He's a jumper.. athletic.. quick to move his feet and get to the spot w/o fouling ...
I don't know yet... heard he's in a boot.. but we'll have to wait and see I guess :shrug:
Quite often, Virginia likes to hold the ball for 20 seconds in the forecourt before they start looking for their shot but I'm not so sure they want to do that in tonight's game....
Virg's guards are both good shooters, they'll be tested tonite.
I played Tex Tech future, I think tonite I will just hedge a bit on a parlay Virginia ml and OVER enjoy the action
Strong LEAN to the OVER 117.5 straight play
GL .. maybe bk later
Don't remember the other "bigs" they have, or how many they have to rotate in..
I haven't seen a cbk (or pro for that matter) team that plays TEAM Defense the entire game like I witnessed on Saturday by Tex Tech.
Hard to find the offensive "star" that's also "willing" to play defense...
defense like that is not easy, you use a LOT of energy, but coach does a great job of rotating players.
For the most part, scholarship players are recruited from HS because of their height and/or scoring abilities...
and haven't ever played that type of defense and certainly don't want to do it all game long...
save it for offense (right LeBron?).
There's fewer Kawai Leonard types that play both ends of the floor so well...
Your whole team has to commit to "Help Defense"... and Tex Tech does that every possession.. fun to see really!
No egos.. no blame.. just hustling, helping and working on defense.. man-to-man or zone.
and their zone defense flowed .. like an amoeba, the closest players moving to the most needed spot defensively and others rotating into position...
and when a shot goes up, EVERYbody blocks out EVERY time!
I'm not familiar w/all the names, but they ALL played defense as hard as they could, was amazing to watch really. And they did it w/o committing many fouls.. difficult to do.
Having a shot blocker like Owens that is such a presence with consistent 'bothering' of the shot is another rarity...
He's a jumper.. athletic.. quick to move his feet and get to the spot w/o fouling ...
I don't know yet... heard he's in a boot.. but we'll have to wait and see I guess :shrug:
Quite often, Virginia likes to hold the ball for 20 seconds in the forecourt before they start looking for their shot but I'm not so sure they want to do that in tonight's game....
Virg's guards are both good shooters, they'll be tested tonite.
I played Tex Tech future, I think tonite I will just hedge a bit on a parlay Virginia ml and OVER enjoy the action
Strong LEAN to the OVER 117.5 straight play
GL .. maybe bk later