Thur- Blacksburgh is not the place you want to be on a espn thur night game, the people come out of the woodwork it seems on thur night espn games in Blacksburgh and Tech seems to step it up some. Bc is a team who can play with anyone but like I said strange things seem to happen in Blacksburgh on thur night when espn is in town, and I would match VPI up against either texas or usc this year but that will not happen due to wa weak big 12 and the pac 10 well is the pac 10 like aways that will show in bowl games, all but usc. usc can't take anything away from them till they get beat just have fans on here who make you want to see them lose won't say any names
1st half un 23
1st half Ml-350 very very big
All I can say on this game is kent can't wait for football season to get over. w. mich-7 very big
All i can say on this game is i hope gets paid a ton for it, don't think you will see bama look past them like they did in the miss game and they had a hard game last week so look for them to try and run up score fast to give 1st team and even 2nd team a blow the 2nd half. bama-20 1st half above avg play.
bama-33 above avg play
good luck
1st half un 23
1st half Ml-350 very very big
All I can say on this game is kent can't wait for football season to get over. w. mich-7 very big
All i can say on this game is i hope gets paid a ton for it, don't think you will see bama look past them like they did in the miss game and they had a hard game last week so look for them to try and run up score fast to give 1st team and even 2nd team a blow the 2nd half. bama-20 1st half above avg play.
bama-33 above avg play
good luck