Neal Boortz: "We need more dead thugs in Atlanta"

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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
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Scotty, what say you?


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Here's the text...

Here's the text...

BOORTZ: You know what? I, for one, am tired of putting up with this crap. And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous. This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that-- That is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town that we really don't give a damn about those who would screw up our quality of life around here. We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our city, advertising welcome to Atlanta, here's some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban thugs and their little gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the carjackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure de-hell of it.

This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
BOORTZ: You know what? I, for one, am tired of putting up with this crap. And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous. This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that-- That is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town that we really don't give a damn about those who would screw up our quality of life around here. We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our city, advertising welcome to Atlanta, here's some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban thugs and their little gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the carjackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure de-hell of it.

This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

Wow i can't believe this stuff only goes on in Atlanta and not here in Philly.
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BOORTZ: You know what? I, for one, am tired of putting up with this crap. And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous. This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that-- That is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town that we really don't give a damn about those who would screw up our quality of life around here. We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our city, advertising welcome to Atlanta, here's some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban thugs and their little gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the carjackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure de-hell of it.

This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.


Finally have Concealed Carry in Wisconsin :00hour
I have had my Utah license for a long time and could carry in all recip states but Wis with Mr. Potato Head always being shortsighted..
No More due to Mr. Walkers Infinite Wisdom :0074 By Late Fall should be good to go for CC.. :0008

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Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
BOORTZ: You know what? I, for one, am tired of putting up with this crap. And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous. This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that-- That is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town that we really don't give a damn about those who would screw up our quality of life around here. We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our city, advertising welcome to Atlanta, here's some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban thugs and their little gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the carjackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure de-hell of it.

This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

Just another fear-stoker, Glenn Beck wannabe.

Yes there is high crime in inner city Atlanta, just like every other decaying urban area, but the actual violent crime rate is Atlanta is declining.

Of course the fear mongers won't tell you the truth, that things are getting better.

That's the core mission of Fox and it's friends. Scare the old, ignorant white folks.

Booooo!! the boogeyman* is gonna' getcha'. Booooo!

*boogeyman: Fox News shorthand for black man.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Congrats to Wisky getting the Concealed permit ! :toast:

Boortz :facepalm:

I am almost.... :SIB lost for words !

I do agree on being prepared. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. But he is close to inciting a riot, inducing the citizens to commit hate crimes.

Muzzle him now !

There are a few lefty talking heads that could use some duct tape around their gobs as well.

Good grief people stop it ! :thefinger
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Congrats to Wisky getting the Concealed permit ! :toast:

Boortz :facepalm:

I am almost.... :SIB lost for words !

I do agree on being prepared. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. But he is close to inciting a riot, inducing the citizens to commit hate crimes.

Muzzle him now !

There are a few lefty talking heads that could use some duct tape around their gobs as well.

Good grief people stop it ! :thefinger
Yeah, I agree 100% with being prepared. But Boortz said some things that didn't need to be said. I've never listened to this guy. I wonder if Scotty ever listens to him.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Congrats to Wisky getting the Concealed permit ! :toast:

Boortz :facepalm:

I am almost.... :SIB lost for words !

I do agree on being prepared. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. But he is close to inciting a riot, inducing the citizens to commit hate crimes.

Muzzle him now !

There are a few lefty talking heads that could use some duct tape around their gobs as well.

Good grief people stop it ! :thefinger

I recently got Fla permit--and saftey instructor for certiification reminds me of you. I met him few years back as he is security for bldg of client of mine in Nashville. We go to range close by on occasion.

He is x french foreign legion-merc and whole ball of wax. His certifications on course certificate is 8 lines long with the last being-
Tactical/Swat Handgun Instructor.

Would recommend him to any KY or Tn residents--and would also opt for the Fla permit over Ky or Tn due to reciprocal laws.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
In a recent article in "Guns and Ammo" which I don't have it with me now. The author stated something to this effect:

Not word for word quote:

In a threatening situation and you are armed, do everything possible to escape the threat because taking another mans life is the last thing you want to do.

:0074 :0074 :0074 :0074 :0074

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Yeah, I agree 100% with being prepared. But Boortz said some things that didn't need to be said. I've never listened to this guy. I wonder if Scotty ever listens to him.

I do listen to this guy in and AM. I can only take him for about 10 minutes at a time.

If you call in and question him at all he will cut you off and attempt to make you look foolish and then play it over and over.

If you want to get the neocon right wing slant on politics its Boortz. He is 66 years old and gets many complaints for disrespect of Obama and alot of other things.

When he says Barrack Obama he almost spits it out like its a disgusting thing.

The guy says he is a Libertarian and believe in the Fair tax. There is a guy named Jamie that comes on at 1130 I thihk. He is a reported for Congress. He is level headed and is one of the few that has a chance to bitch slap Boortz from his stupid rants.

There are many ppl that hate this guy but he has a core group of 30 % that believe like he does.

He has such a holier than thou attitude. He is a millionaire and get him on the topic of welfare or raising taxs on the rich, and he goes off crazy. He must be a really cheap fawker because like DTBlackgumby he cant stand entitlements.

When black ppk call him he will ask them why they voted for Obama .l When they explain he will scream at them ,,,, Thats not it, you voted for Obama because he is black. The guy is the biggest racist bigot you could ever imagine.

He is right about the crime in Atlanta. Not a day goes by where we dont read about home invasion, car jackings with ppl shot in the back, thugs shooting thugs, robberys, cops getting shot with their own guns, and on and on.

Just like any big city, it seems to never end.

I have concealed weapons permit and usually have my .45 sig with me when I am in the city. I really never want to shoot anybody, but if its me or my family , somone is going down and I hope its not me.

So back to Boortz. The guy is a super asshole.

one time a lady called in and told him she didnt vote for Obama because he was black. Since that had been his rant in talking to black ppl that call in , it caught him by surprise and he did not say one thing about her making that statement. It was like he condoned it.

In other words anyone that votes for policy or character or good ideas or change, is not capable of placing a vote for a black man.

the guy makes me sick.

He was a lawyer and got Evander Hoylfield in trouble with a car dealership he owned back years ago.

I will try to find that article.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Thanks for the recap on Boortz, Scotty.

I'll bet the douchebag doesn't go into the city without a bodyguard.
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