NEED Help about workking as independent contractor and I'm NOT


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
already in about Pizza hut two months i worked thier pay was $7.50 hr however two litigants came in and proved they were not comensated enough for work ..........I also had to do evrything else in store Disehs, mop, sweep, empty trash cans and make boxes.

NEW Job under Grub Hub name of local company is dining in .

BUT as i know indepedent means YOU chosse what jobs you want to do and how long you want to work etc... without supervision.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm i'm under constant supervision with the app to dispatchers and shift manger always calling me asking whats your status ....... get jobs taken away from me and tip was $5 less on new job .

MY cost to drive for 8 hours say from 3 pm till 11 supposedly is huge parking many times i need to pay .25 to .50 cents like maybe 3 times daily gas $10 a day then of course delivering food i get to see it prepared so i'm like a horse eating whatever i can get cheap like $5 but it 2 time or 3 per shift.

This is necassary expense we need nourishment plus some kind of liquid to drink.

SO who do i go to to get what i deserve because they treat me as an employee and not independent contractor!

Not sure what legal help i can get or if my state atorney general or senator or congressman is where to go to.

yeah i serached internet everywhere using different queries but only found out what independt contractor meant.

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