OLYMPIC is the best book for your needs. Not only do they have the "added games" on the rotation schedule, but also more added games that aren't only the rotation schedule. This second group of extra addeded games aren't on their website until the day of the game.
OLYMPIC is also perhaps the only book out there that has half-times on ALL added games on the Don Best schedule. Most of the other books don't. Something you might want to consider.
Good luck!!
BTW....I used to live on Brookhurst, about 3/4 mi. from the ocean...in an apartment complex called CASA DEL SOL about 20 years ago. I used to take a couple of aspirins, wait awhile and run 5 miles every night down by the water. Now I take two aspirins, wait awhile and hope to hell I don't have a heart attack
after the pizza I've just eaten.