Nerf Darts Gun Public Service Announcement

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Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
I come to you this morning as Jeff, Father of a 7 year old Sadist. For those of you preparing for a nice game of Nerf Dart tag with the kids, stuff some cushion down your pants. Me I figured its Nerf, so it's harmless. I still see that dart flying in slow motion like a meat seeking mistle drawing a beat on my tube steak. Next thing I know I'm hoping on one foot than the other in agony while my boy is on the floor laughing with glee:0074
Extenz nothing
My Two inches of dangling fury might half swelled to 3 and the girth definitely improved by a half/:sadwave: Two bad the chicks don't like purple wieners because mine looks like:scared

Fuck Fuck Fuckity Fuck