This was absolutley a fix.....Boxing has just threw in the towel for me. Tyson throwing a punch here and there and standing there and taking a beating. Dont even go there and say he was out classed...You cant be out classed when you dont throw any punches...This was about $$$....Tyson repeadidly asking for a rematch ...He didnt bob and weave to get inside ...he just stood punches...absolutely no punches...what a shame boxing produced tonight with this performance.....when ur credited with a persona of throwing puches wildly at times need I remind ya and tonight to stand there in front of Lewis and do nothing,,,and I do mean throw nothing.....Did he throw 50 puches tonight? LOL U can take this sport and count it on my calendar as a corrupt sport and never again will I watch WWF bullsit with a predicted outcome...Yes I did have $$ on the fight and won but OMG ya got to be kidding me with this...its a farce and its all about $$...and they wonder why they dont have as many followers as they used to and a Champion to follow...Don King I am sure your black ass had much to do with this fight...