Never thought I would see this....


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Forum Member
Apr 13, 2000
Savanna, IL, USA
Since my dad (known to you guys as squarecrow) has been back it's all been gravy...til now.

Waking up to the sound of grandma yelling that america is under attack scared the hell outta me, literally.

The saddest day of my life, and trust me, I've seen some total madness. But nothing compares to this. I am the only kid in this town that really gives a damn, that is sad. Sat and watched since we got that call. I am so confused by this that I can't think straight. So far the only flag flying in town is flying at my grandma's house.

So, somebody want to let me know why this happened?

To anybody that has friends an family living in the areas involved, you have my prayers. Same goes for my dad. He sends his prayers. Never thought I would cry because of what was on television.

Don't know what to say except for this, I am really damn sorry that this happened!

God bless the U.S.A.!!!


P.S. I wish I had a passport. If I did the person or people responsible for the greatest tragedy I have ever seen would get the ass kicking of their soon-to-be ended lives.
I just can't put the way I feel into words.
God bless everybody.
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