New Years eve?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2003
Whats everyone doin?

1. Im leaving work at lunch

2. Goin to the liquor store gettin Big bottle of Crown

3. Driven to a party at my boys house

4.Drinkin the whole damn thing before 12

5. 12 midnight lighting so many damn fireworks you could see em from space! and smoke my last cigarette

6. pass out on couch and hopefully not puke!

Happy New Year!:drinky::
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 28, 2003
Bluesland, TN
.....I seem to recall that Taoist....

.and sometimes I think we did the same thing on Thursday nights....and maybe Tuesday nights every now and again.......Monday nights when Monday was bad............

....Oh yeah....and after exams.......

...I still hear distant Waylon music in the background at 1:00 in the afternoon after finals...........:D ;)


Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Never liked New Years for some reason....

Anyhow, I'm leaving work at 2pm to do the following:

-go home and relax for an hour, which will probably turn into 3
-go to the bank and dry cleaners-probably won't do either
-procrastinate about grocery shopping to get some food in the house-that means we will end up going to Wendy's.
-put in some bets and pretend to clean up the house
-yell at the dog and cat for pissing me off and ruining my betting mojo
-drink some chocolate milk
-annoy the wife a little bit
-go to sleep without watching the stupid ball drop


:) :D :) :D
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Chain Saw

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2003
Not much of a New Year's eve fan. Consider it to be amateur night. They can have their one night-I'll take the other 364.

Have a good one everybody!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
1) Off from work the next 2 days so I am watching sports all day.

2) Occasional walk to the refrig for a brewski.

3) Sometime before midnight, will have to reward the wife for being glued to the TV/computer ALL DAY and do my manly duties and throw her a quick poke!! (between commercials of course) :D :D :D :D

4) Try to stay awake for all bowl games and see 2004, then sleep.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!


ad interim...
Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
"...Quo fas et gloria ducunt..."
the real question is, what am i gonna be doin for my b-day on the weekend of JAN 3rd.....????

this new year's eve crap IS amateur nite....

Not much of a New Year's eve fan. Consider it to be amateur night. They can have their one night-I'll take the other 364.

i agree.

- Mine will probably be a boring one, I've been off work (vacation...heh) since Dec 19th, will probably shower and shave around 5PM to get rid of my vacation beardy.....

- drop my baby daughter off at her grandma's....530PM
- pick up some brews and a snack item of my choice
- hit my sis' newly made house at around 7pm
- complain how that fawking new house has nothing in it....
- probably start a fight with my brother in law's best man...(what a jackhole...)
- figure out how the hell i'm gonna keep my sanity with these boring peeps whilst the wife holds me back from hurting something.
- bolt outta there at 12:01 am
- go home and sleep.
- skip new year's day mass (c'mon, i'll go saturday.....i'm no heathen....???)
- new year's day got a crapload of family gatherings to go to.

i hope you guys have a better time than i wait, i KNOW you will.

and Chad, lay off the sauce dude.
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Forum Member
Dec 8, 2001
---woke up at 7:am with the kid and wathced sportscenter and than the wiggles and seasame street

----9 am had some bacon and eggs for the wife and kid, (gotta kiss ass today, because i know when i get wasted my wife will be a little po'd; sweet thing is though, the wife is gonna be shopping all day and getting her hair done. HOUSE TO MYSELF!!!

--10 am placed some bets for this morning's games and than tookd a shower

---Noon, opend up a nice cold bud light and watched some games, but i had to flip back to fricking Mr Rogers because she likes it when King Friday talks and stuff.

---1pm lay the kid down, and she goes down quick, which is good, i didnt miss much of the games and drinking

---3pm wife gets home, daughter will probably wake up, tell my friend to come over before though and say it was his idea to have some drinks.

---5pm drop the daughter off at my parents than my wife and i go out to eat....errr better grab a beer for the road, my mom could start talking my ear off.

---7pm get to my friends and start to drink some red bulls and vodka

---8pm red bulls and vodka

-----9pm red bulls and vodka, maybe some jagerbombs in between

----10pm better eat some more food, getting a little buzzed

-----12pm drink some champagne, kiss the wife and continue drinking but will stick with bud light for now, room is starting to get really blurry and im starting to talk louder and laugh at anything

---1 am---i have no clue where i am at or what i have done. probably playing Connect 4 for some money and losing it. i look down at my shirt and i see that i have spilled beer all over it. Uh-oh wife notcing that i am wasted, i better run

----1:30 am ---i over hear the wife saying she is tired and wasted as well, thats my que to go outside with the boys have as smoke and pretend we miss the good old days

---2am without avail, the wife convinces me to go home. 'damn you women'. i cannot walk or see straight, so we will have to call a cab home. we only live 5 miles from my friends house, but better save than sorry.

----2:30am--hopfully i tried to get some puntang, but knowing me ill pass out at the first site of my bed..

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Bud Man
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2001
Marion ,Indiana
Going drink some Bud and watch Bowl games. Wife has to work in the E.R. tonight so it will be just me and the Bulldog.

Happy New Years Everyone:toast:


carpe vitam
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2003
I must be getting OLD:(

dinner at a cousins house, then back to the house to celebrate with my brother, sis-in-law and some friends of ours

Happy New Year to all:)