News about the Phoenix Suns

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Jan 16, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
Just FYI,

I live in Milwaukee an I'm quite fond of the party scene downtown. I caught wind that the entire Phoenix team was going to be at this certain club 2 blocks from my condo on thursday night. I met some friends there who were already throwing money around in VIP with these guys as if they were friends with all of them. I was able to walk right in with 2 ladies and we drank top shelf liquor for free all night.

anywho, this lasted for 5 hours straight until almost 3am, far later than the place is even supposed to be open til. shot after shot after shot after cocktail. i cant believe these guys can even drink like that. Not to mention i'm pretty sure that the girls they were with followed them back to the Pfister Hotel. With all of that said, I know they didnt get to sleep until at least 5am, the whole team!! even dan majerle was with them, Thunder Dan himself. These guys might not be as athletic as usual tonight and that's why I think the Suns are a dangerous play.

I know the Bucks suck, I mean suck!! But the obvious play here looks like the Suns but I see it as a trap. The shitty bucks will have a huge crowd and the Suns will be lethargic, ok at least not as electric as normal. but my point is the Suns seem too easy to take here with only giving 11, from what i know about last night and my instinct, I think this is a game to stay far away from.


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Jan 21, 2007
just to make it clear, i was only there for 2 hours, not nearly as drunk as the rest of the crowd

Wuss...:drinky: lol.

Thats perhaps the greatest insider information Ive ever heard we will wait and see tonight. I wish I would of known before I placed my -2 first quarter bet.

Solid work LK.
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
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Jan 16, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
yeah, when u are drinking rediculous amounts of vodka, jagermeister, redbull, and champagne until 5am, then getting shined off by some chick who you've yet to get her name, then passing out when the sun comes up, (no pun intended) it doesnt matter how much sleep you get, your going to feel like shit whenever you wake up. plus these guys have meetings and shit during the day.

like i said, just be careful about this one.


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Sep 14, 2006


just letting everyone know that I a from the phoenix area and I see this team out at the bar scene in scottsdale quite often. I remember when they were playing the sonics a few weeks back they were there for quite a while and left when the bars closed not sure if they covered the next night but definitly won.

Some of the sonics were out as well though
collision was one of them and he had a monster game.
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Registered User
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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Yeah, I really don't think it's that big of a deal. If you lived in Dallas when Nash was here you just got use to seeing him and Dirk out drinking til late and usually being pretty slosed. I lived downtown then and right across from a bar they went to nightly and I never thought much about it.

Plus it is the Bucks. :mj07:


Registered User
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Mar 24, 2005
E of Ball State
Outstanding info. I took Bucks and under first half and game.

I remember last season someone saw the Heat out doing the same thing, Wade, Walker and some others. Same results. I listened to the game and I remember the announcer saying "Wade doesn't seem to be himself today" after he dribbled the ball off his foot out of bounds.

Thanks again to you.
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