let`s hope not...newton put that "shiftilly-manned at wr" offense on his back and carried them for an entire season...
he`s hands-down the mvp and maybe the most important player on any one team in memory.....
I can't tell you guys how good Cam is to the city of Charlotte. And this was way before any of the recent winning.
Did you even watch the video? You sound like Skip Bayless - he didn't understand what Steve was saying....COME ON, Weasie!
(By the way, Skip needs to retire. Holy fuck can he not make a solid point or coherent statement anymore.)
I watched it again...I don`t know whether smith was "implying" unpure motives(ie black/white... I hope not) or not...I said myself in the nfl forum that I knew we were going to suffer through 2 full weeks of "young cam" vs "old manning" b.s...the racial angle didn`t even occur to me...
personally,I`m a bit sick of "peyton"...his time has passed...I`m honestly hoping that cam and Carolina stick a fork the size of Neptune`s trident into manning`s chest and he fades into the sunset....enough with all those lameduck passes and the defense bailing him out...he`s not remotely the same guy and imo,without that defense,denver`s toast......he had a great,great career but that`s in the rearview mirror...he`s no longer carrying a team( I'd almost go as far as saying that peyton`s "nearly" a liability at this point)... that`s my opinion..
I see no reason for anyone to dislike newton....he`s an exciting,multi-dimensional threat with talent and some charisma...
I have to say that one guy in the nfl forum mentioned that the only reason people hated on newton was because he was black...I honestly don`t recall seeing much hate on this site for the guy...and that makes sense because his record this year speaks for itself...I liked the guy that said it but I sort of thought that comment was a little unwarranted(some seem to get their jollies by injecting divisiveness into every topic/see racism around every corner)...I just haven`t seen all this cam hate ..the guy`s the hands-down mvp and it`s not close...he earned it...
and I like Stephen a smith...this time I think he`s just being a provocateur....how can you hate newton unless you`re a dyed-in-the wool manning fan or just a media guy trying to stir the pot?.....if you`re a football fan,you respect what newton`s accomplished this year with his star receiver down(Benjamin)
seems to me like someone is trying to manufacture a controversy or an issue..:shrug:
I don't see anybody hating on Newton either. Anywhere.
Stephen A is saying what you just said. He's about tired of all the Peyton shite too but here he is getting ready for the whole spotlight once again which will take away some of the spotlight that Cam deserves. It will definitely happen, IMO. Nothing to do with black/white at all and Stephen A wasn't going anywhere near that.
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