**5 units**
Tennessee -6
**2 units**
Pitsburgh -7 1/2
Kansas Cuty +4 1/2
Chicago -6
Green Bay -13 1/2
GB/Minn Under 38 1/2
San Fran -6
**1 unit**
New Orleans -4 1/2
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket!
Tennessee -6
**2 units**
Pitsburgh -7 1/2
Kansas Cuty +4 1/2
Chicago -6
Green Bay -13 1/2
GB/Minn Under 38 1/2
San Fran -6
**1 unit**
New Orleans -4 1/2
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket!