NFL in Japan? Help!!

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Jun 16, 2002
My boss comes up to me last week and says "I've got good news and bad news." Give me the bad news first. "You've got to Japan for two weeks. You leave Aug. 28th." What's the good news? "There isn't any." Well, that ruins week 1.

Does anyone have any suggestions or knowledge of the NFL in Japan? How about the internet? I'll be in a remote area of Japan. Kitakyushu City to be exact.

For all the yaking about how great Japan is for the NFL during the Japan Bowl, I'm sure Iwon't be able to watch or hear anything about the NFL.

Ever notice that these types of things never happen in March or April. It's always during the months of September, October, November or December.

Also, are all of the damn weddings your wife/girlfriend drags you to during football season? "Julie's getting married on September (week 3)" "Debby is getting married on October (week 7)". Honey, there's only a few weeks of football season. I don't like missing them. "You watch football every weekend. You can miss one week."

One guy at work skipped his sister's wedding because she had it in October. Classic.


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Almost all major hotels have CNN w/ sports updates twice an hour. You should have no trouble finding an Internet Cafe either. The big problem is the time difference- I think they are +12 hours from west coast time. Two weeks can go by pretty fast.
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