Nfl marketing is genius (analytics would apprecaite) So will haters!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 3, 2002
look at how it markets product. This could go on so many other layers but Im only looking at a couple NFL promos that are standing out to me.

All of the sudden Terrel Owens is portrayed as good guy. Sharpie incident was very controvesial. Minorities atefine and Had to save his image because he can only get bigger from marketing POV if white people like or at least RESPECT his work ethic.

Graphic Language:

They show fights and altercations, just more graphically and slooowmoooey. But I dont ever remember HEARING so much of it; that Sapp incident replay that was shown in DETAIL tonite.....bleeps and all. Appeals to our basic instincts regarding competition.

Get ALL people as EARLY as possible:

Madden and the whole EAS sports and his game tie in. They played an extended recut commercial tonite with some big names. Ray Lewis(toughman, hitman), Rice (the consumate professional), Sharpe( big mouth but very likable) Jason Taylor( mixed racial appeal), Crockett (tough mama's boy) and Moss (thug)
Look at the very cross cultural market they own. They capture us through the videos games and how real (violent) the game is.
Then they have us for 4 life.

Just flipped the channel and Snoop Dog is doing this promo with some Raiders including Rice. Kinda funny stuff......BEATCH!!!
They Raiders are the epitome of team marketing but thats another issue in itself.

Ref Bias

Im watching that int call at 1:06 in the 3rd
not clearcut. Now I bet these reviews show that was questionable TD call as well but no challenge. It is very likely that officials are implicily told to keep games as close as possible to increase and maintain suspense. Not saying specific teams are favored BUT...... who knows.? 10:58 fourth, I know that ref was looking for ANY reason to throw flag there.

Hey folks , if you have an agenda to show how " the NFL spearheads moral decay of a country " you have my full permission to copy excerpts of my text. (ha ha, but someone articulate could probably make that case.)

Looks like the books are jacking off for 2nd time right about now because it was Philly and over loong time ago.

To my fan:

You know who you are and I hope I entertained and stimulated a few thoughts in your head.

Off to smoke a blunt,



Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 15, 2002
I think you might have hit that spliff before your post, but I "groove" on a lot of what you're saying, dude.

Seriously, this whole Sharpie things looks like a great big planned marketing tie-in. Especially after we saw it AGAIN last night on the half time show. Owens watching his commercial going, "Im not even in it but they all know its about me."

They also had the camera right there for his big "pose" after his TD.

Not to mention the endless tie-ins with Madden 2003.

Madden was funny when he was spontaneous, but him tearing into that Turducken was so planned out and seemed like it was there just to give him some "color". I still enjoy MNF. It's got great production and technical crew, but all of this promotion is driving me nuts.

I don't think refs implicitly or explicitly are told to keep it close. it just doesn't fly with me. I think that's one of those things you notice when you want to, and ignore when it doesn't fit your theory. I mean, there's been tons of prime-time blowouts this year. It just doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
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