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Forum Member
Dec 7, 2010
Record 1 - 1 - $ 33 BKR $ 4967 ( Started 5 K )

Red Plays 0-1 - 133
White Plays 0-0 0
Blue Plays 1-0 + 100

Tuesday Playing ( Blue Play ) LA Kings - 130

All plays are for 100.00 and all plays will be on the money line for entire game, no planning for shootout or regulation as we know how elusive of an animal that can be, do not feel up to the task to chase and fight windmills. ( Sorry did not have time last night to put everything up on the post last night )

Systems will remain unexplained due to freindhsip and partnership reasons. ( Please respect ), However, to that point I can and will say this about that. We chase #'s ...no not GAA, Power Plays, first line stats against 2nd line stats, not penalty minutes and no not even line movements in general, Though they can move a play from red to white. Nope we just chase #'s nothing more and nothing less. That is what we do and that is who we are,

Do not expect anyone to follow blindly, as that would just be stupid and do not want anyone to crash and burn. The expectation is to use these systems and also one basketball system to scratch out a little coin. Then couple those ( if winning) to chase with a higher bankroll into our version of Cisco's Baseball System. If you dont Cisco, you should !! Has a track record throughout baseball history dating back to modern era of baseball ) this one you can trust me on, We ran a model for over a decade of every game and even glanced back to the 70's our version has more filters and less risk attached, we will leave that alone for now, as it is a two beer conversation for another day.

Also knowing the ungoing argument here at MJ's about team history, Does one team get another teams number ( yeah sometimes ). On the other side. History has nothing to do with this year,
( Yeah sometimes ) and not getting caught up in that any further, The belief to us is #'s do repeat and often at that. They just do, sometimes they will be for the better and sometimes they won't. It is our business model. A smart man I know in Texas that I read daily has convinced me that everything is a business model. We did the research on that as well, and hard pressed to find something that doesn't include it. IIf this business model is flawed, then we will chase #'s into something else or a new direction. So now just sharing the plays and we can all see if the business model has a place over the long haul.

Time will tell.....Good Luck, and as always Happy Hunting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Forum Member
Dec 7, 2010
RE: Colors

RE: Colors

Only a tracker for us on what the numbers tell us the play should be.

Red - based on most likely will be end up being
( square plays ) chalk

White Plays - will be based on most of the same things the Red plays are but flip to the
dog side of the equation.

Blue - nothing to do with the above two systems, but will say they will have both dog and fav plays.

Sorry I cant say to much about the systems. Being a man of my words. A promise is a promise and I just can't tell you becuase of that comitment,

Just a way for us to tell the difference and since that is how we chart them put them out as exactly how we do them ( just without the explanation ) of what the actual system is.

Just keep keep an eye on it, in due time the numbers will do what they always do. They will tell us something. What that is as of right now is still a pending situation. ( Hoping for the best and prepared for the worst )

We had sucess with these the past two years, think the numbers will tell the entire story in time. That is what we trust as oppossed to emotion, trends, personal opinions, gut feelings, and crappy players, or calls, crappy officials, blown leads and etc.

Follow the numbers is what we do, it takes us less time, eliminates our personal bias ( yes we have those as well - stupid humans and all ) Simply trusting the numbers based on the fact they have worked for us before.

I know this gives you a very limited answer, follow if you want, play at your own peril, Hell that's what we all do anyway, It's gambling cant get around that fact. If I were you I would be guessing your not sold, totally understand that as well.

As always Good Luck, and Happy Hunting !!!!!

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