Nice link for graphic on Greece

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you

Well, to take the capitalist view - "So what? Let the lenders reap the fruit of their poor choices. High reward = high risk. In this case, they bet and lost. Better luck next time."

The Greeks can re-institute the Drachma. It won't be worth much,'ll screw the lenders: "Okay, the *official* exchange rate is Drachma=Euro. Here's a bagfull of billion Drachma notes. Go buy yourself a donut."

For me personally, and nations might be wise to do the same - I pay cash for everything, have done so for forty years.

No cash? Do without. Of course that's Hell on the bankers, isn't it? No multimillion bonuses in that.
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Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Well, to take the capitalist view - "So what? Let the lenders reap the fruit of their poor choices. High reward = high risk. In this case, they bet and lost. Better luck next time."

For me personally, and nations might be wise to do the same - I pay cash for everything, have done so for forty years.

No cash? Do without. Of course that's Hell on the bankers, isn't it? No multimillion bonuses in that.



poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Well, to take the capitalist view - "So what? Let the lenders reap the fruit of their poor choices. High reward = high risk. In this case, they bet and lost. Better luck next time."

The Greeks can re-institute the Drachma. It won't be worth much,'ll screw the lenders: "Okay, the *official* exchange rate is Drachma=Euro. Here's a bagfull of billion Drachma notes. Go buy yourself a donut."

For me personally, and nations might be wise to do the same - I pay cash for everything, have done so for forty years.

No cash? Do without. Of course that's Hell on the bankers, isn't it? No multimillion bonuses in that.

You bought your home and car with cash? impressive.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
You bought your home and car with cash? impressive.

No, but I paid it (the first one, and the only one with a mortgage) off 40 years ago. Since then it's been cash only or do without.

Cars have always been cash only, from the first one, a 1950 Studebaker, $150, until now - a used Caddy and a used Volvo.

Works for me.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
3 very very smart guys ...

sure would be great to read a thread from you guys that dead aims on making things better in the USA without slings and arrows.

it's very obvious to those of us who read your words that you have heartfelt opinions on how this country can improve itself.

Sure would be a welcome relief to read a hash out session with the focal point being a better USA without all the nastiness thrown in.

again...real smart people ...

somebody has to reverse this self-serving mess that this country is in caused by years and years of mismanagement..

it could start with real smart guys like you working for and sounding out the problems and combined efforts for solutions.

ain't going to matter much to me either way..I'm taking the cash and livin' in a doublewide very soon..

but the youth of today ain't got a snowballs chance in hell unless mighty big changes are made in the way we elect and those we do..

just food for thought gentlemen..

I'm not qualified to suggest answers nor solutions but there are several of you who are.Sure would be nice to see all of ya on the same team for the greater good.
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Duff Miver

Registered User
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Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Hell's Bells, I'll give it a try:

We need better education for everyone, starting in grammar school. Right now almost half our children don't graduate from high school. They don't show up for class, don't do their homewrok, and have a bad attitude. They end up as criminals, bums and lousy citizens.

Why? Because they have lousy parents.

I think we should come down, hard, on the parents of those kids.

Your kid misses a day of school, you get called in for counseling.

Your don't show up for counseling, a cop picks you up and brings you in.

The second time you don't show up, you get to spend the weekend in jail.

Principals should be equipped with a cut-down canoe paddle. My HS principal had one, and it did a great job of attitude adjustment. I know. He adjusted my attitude a few times.

There's no respect for teachers. Many states are demonizing them. That needs to stop. These folks deserve respect and decent pay.

Some kids just plain aren't cut out for academics. Every community should have a good 2 or 4 year trade school where kids can learn welding, auto mechanics, pipefitting, bricklaying, carpentry. They can then earn a decent living.

I'm all in favor of us (that means the g'mint using our tax money) helping those who cannot help themselves, but I'm NOT in favor of helping those who make no effort to take care of themselves.

Just look at the slobs you see at Wal*Mart. A hundred pounds overweight, illiterate, unbathed, and just plain lazy. We should help them out with 6 months of boot camp. 6 hours a day of education, and six hours a day under an ex-military drill sargent. If you don't find and keep a job, you do another 6 months until you do.

It's time to get back to some basics. Get educated, work hard, stay sober, take care of your family, obey the law, and keep your nose out of other's business.

If fate deals you a bad hand, through no fault of your own, the rest of us will gladly help you out.

Okay, OS, your turn.........


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
Nice points, Duff.

Agree across the board.

I'd even institute a dress code - pull your blessed pants up!

As for obesity, - time to really look at what is in all the junk food and fast food and what people who are on government assistance are buying with the money in the way of "food". I realize we have a lot of people who are not on govt assistance who are also obese and that needs to be addressed as well.

Old School - the Grecian drama has been playing for over 2 years now. I have followed it all - the entire purpose of the bailouts is to keep the banks and bondholders from losing money - even if it comes on the BACKS OF THE TAXPAYERS OF THE ENTIRE EUROZONE.

Screw the banks and creditors - you made a bad bet and lost. Boo hooo. Cry me a fricking river.

Until all the shit on the balance sheets across the globe is marked down and unwound, there will be no real growth. US is following Japan's playbook from the 90's - 2 lost decades in Japan and they are finally getting it and taking write downs and holy crap!.... some things are improving over there.

No one wants to rip off the band-aid, pull it off nice and slow and no one will get hurt.


Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Guys ,

I am not qualified to make assements ..

you guys are the ones who take the time to research and investigate what is REALLY going on in this counrty.

I am guilty of not being well enough informed to answer any question with an astute and educated answer

I will say this..and except for a drunken time in my life these two words were adhered to in homes I was raised in.There wasn't much wiggle room either..a little..but a belt and a stern talking too eliminated any wiggle room I imagined was there that actually didn't exist.




Ifail to see anywhere in our once great country where these two words do not have to be adhered to ...

smarter folks than me can certainly move forward with this as the end all be all.


Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
3 very very smart guys ...

Naw, OS. We aren't smart guys, we're just mad as Hell.

ssd marine, and I don't agree on much, but I'd rather have either of them in Washington that any of the politicians we have there now.

The present bunch of klowns think if they wear a flag in their lapel and babble on about the Constitution, it makes them great patriots. Bullshit.

The real patriot is the man or woman who learns how to do a job, gets out of bed every day, trains and motivates their kids, pays their bills, and lets others lead their lives following their own drummer.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
Hell's Bells, I'll give it a try:

We need better education for everyone, starting in grammar school. Right now almost half our children don't graduate from high school. They don't show up for class, don't do their homewrok, and have a bad attitude. They end up as criminals, bums and lousy citizens.

Why? Because they have lousy parents.

I think we should come down, hard, on the parents of those kids.

Your kid misses a day of school, you get called in for counseling.

Your don't show up for counseling, a cop picks you up and brings you in.

The second time you don't show up, you get to spend the weekend in jail.

Principals should be equipped with a cut-down canoe paddle. My HS principal had one, and it did a great job of attitude adjustment. I know. He adjusted my attitude a few times.

There's no respect for teachers. Many states are demonizing them. That needs to stop. These folks deserve respect and decent pay.

Some kids just plain aren't cut out for academics. Every community should have a good 2 or 4 year trade school where kids can learn welding, auto mechanics, pipefitting, bricklaying, carpentry. They can then earn a decent living.

I'm all in favor of us (that means the g'mint using our tax money) helping those who cannot help themselves, but I'm NOT in favor of helping those who make no effort to take care of themselves.

Just look at the slobs you see at Wal*Mart. A hundred pounds overweight, illiterate, unbathed, and just plain lazy. We should help them out with 6 months of boot camp. 6 hours a day of education, and six hours a day under an ex-military drill sargent. If you don't find and keep a job, you do another 6 months until you do.

It's time to get back to some basics. Get educated, work hard, stay sober, take care of your family, obey the law, and keep your nose out of other's business.

If fate deals you a bad hand, through no fault of your own, the rest of us will gladly help you out.

Okay, OS, your turn.........

:toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
It's time to get back to some basics. Get educated, work hard, stay sober, take care of your family, obey the law, and keep your nose out of other's business.


My problem has always been the guys that follow this route still find a way to get fuked by our politicians. It really isn't this cut and dry. Two different times my job was affected by Gov't getting in the way and now every day since my state elected a few of theseTea Party shitbags we are fighting for our prevailing wage at my third job. Imagine going to school,working hard, and getting a decent paycheck and now all of sudden u have politicians attacking ur paycheck just so someone 3000 times richer can make more money. And the beauty of all of this is the guy making 3000 times more than me have guys who make my wage brainwashed into fighting for the guy who makes the 3000 times more. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny. It is amazing how a middle class person still doesn't understand that a strong middle class makes a strong country. If u own a business why in the hell would u want the middle class to suffer like the shitbag politician do? These are ur clustomers. Some of these business are very comical. They want to bust wages down to third world country rates and then can't figure out why they have no customers. Makes u wonder how some of these guys became business men.
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