So is the flu... Create a heat map of the flu and flu deaths...
Hey if you guys are deviating because of this MSM fear mongering bullshit thats up to you. Just remember those resorts you skip this summer, or those restaurants you skip have real people counting on your business.
Also, NCAA attendance has been dropping as most live sporting event attendance. It is easier for the Big Whigs NCAA, MLB, etc etc to say "Oh its because of this global pandemic that attendance is down" but the effect has been happening for years but now the causality has been ascertained...
How do you know this virus is not a naturally occurring virus that has been around for years but year in and year out was mistaken for garden variety upper respiratory disorder? We know what it is now because we are looking for it.... So, now they can tell you what to be afraid of... Oh hurry buy the supplies... Then guess what here comes a new vaccine... Yep another vaccine. Not tested with double blind placebo and when you get sick from the vaccine... You are not allowed to sue the pharma company that makes/distributes the vaccine because they have congressional protection.
So, pardon me that I do not buy into this bullshit. Do not blame attendance on it... Don not allow the worst D1 school with one of the smallest budgets say Oh we are skipping the 2 most expensive trips of the year b/c of Covid-19... You really buy that?
What are they telling you? Wash your hands for 20 seconds do not touch your face... Do not make antibacterial wash out of Titos vodka and people are 38% less likely to buy Corona beer b/c of this virus... LOL seriously.
Sorry these fear whores are going to spoonfeed you as much as you are willing to take. Keep posting heat maps, keep checking the latest updates...
I am done... Stay safe, Use common sense and remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds and do not touch your face.