Nolan Richardson...

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Forum Member
Nov 5, 2002
Memphrica, Tennessee
Someone pleeeease explain to me what the hell is wrong with this guy. :shrug: He constantly bitched and moaned about unfair treatment at Arkansas and how everyone at the university was racially biased towards him. Give me a break. Do you really think a university could get away with acting like that in todays society? If I remember correctly, he taunted the university to fire him. Something like, "If I'm that bad of a coach, then FIRE ME!". Well, they finally got fed up with him screaming "Racism" all of the time and they let him go. Now he has filed a lawsuit against them? :shrug: Is this his attempt at an early retirement? It must be, because who the hell would hire him with a history like this? seem like you are abreast of the happenings at UA. Please enlighten me on what is wrong with Nolan. Or if anyone else knows, please fill me in...:mad:


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Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Actually, I believe he received a pretty nice pay off, too. I guess he found out that his reputation made it difficult for him to get the kind of job he hoped for.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2002
Memphrica, Tennessee
Found this online..

Found this online..

Nolan Richardson is gone after some severe twitching. The University of Arkansas agreed to pay him $3 million not to coach, a decision made shortly after Richardson went off on another of the anger tangents for which he is famous/infamous.

"He usually blows up two, three times a year, and usually before a big game," says Wally Hall, sports columnist at Little Rock's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Usually, only the locals hear the explosion. But this temper tantrum was different.

"It came when there was no big national sports event going on, no Super Bowl, no spring training," Hall says. "So when he blew this time, it made national television. On top of that, he just made the whole state look terrible."

First, the man whose team won the national championship in 1994 and was runner-up in '95 dared the university to get in his face. He said, in essence, if you want to take your job and shove it, go right ahead. And, by the way, that'll cost you a few million bucks.

Richardson then used his weekly news conference to spray vitriol on people who hired him 17 years ago, built him a 20,000-seat palace and helped him become successful, rich and famous. Nor did he stop there. He insulted fans, media and coaches at the school. The harangue spared no one--except Nolan Richardson. Nolan Richardson is "the greatest thing going at the University of Arkansas," Nolan Richardson said.

Maybe when you're 60 years old; when your team is 13-13; when you'll miss the NCAA Tournament for only the second time in 15 seasons; and when your recruiting hasn't been what it used to be, maybe you get so twitchy you're talking to that invisible bird 23 hours a day. So you want out, but you want to walk with $6 million instead of $3 million. You may figure you'll raise the ante by raising a stink.

Whatever, Richardson's televised jeremiad came to this: I'm black, you're white, you're persecuting me, and I don't have to take it.

"My great-great-grandfather came over on the ship," he said at that news conference. "Not Nolan Richardson. I did not come over on that ship. So I expected to be treated a little bit different. Because I know for a fact that I do not play on the same level as the other coaches around this school play on. I know that. You know it. And people of my color know that. And that angers me."

Speaking of color, the coach told reporters, "When I look at all of you people in this room, I see no one look like me, talk like me or act like me. Now why don't you recruit? Why don't the editors recruit like I'm recruiting?"

:thefinger :nooo: :bsflag
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Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
Nolan Richardson could have been remembered as one of the greatest college basketball coaches in history - and justifiably so, his record stands on its own merits. Yet, with each passing year he became more and more acidic in his comments, more and more he would bring up the racism question, and as some of you have pointed out, he made these complaints while being one of the highest paid college basketball coaches in the country, he had one of the best arenas in which to play, his program had first-class accomodations for practive, weights, you name it. Yet, no matter what happened it was never enough for Nolan Richardson.

And in the end he has written his own obituary. He'll be remembered as the guy who pushed Arkansas to the limit, who cried 'racism' like the little boy cried 'wolf' - one time too many. In my opinion he just lost his effectiveness with age, reminded me of Denny Crum who held on a couple years more than he should have. And Crum fought it pretty hard the last year but then he finally relented and allowed the University to retire him with dignity and give him the accolades he deserved. Unfortunately, that won't be the way for Nolan Richardson because it's not the way that he wanted it.

Maybe he will go into developing a line of clothing. He sure was a flashy dresser, except I never could stand the cowboy boots.
